My COrona Blog

Since the start of Coronavirus in NYC, my life has changed tremendously. At first this sudden change in the community made me feel uncomfortable, but as I watched the news everyday to learn more about this virus and how to keep yourself safe. I then started getting use to it, and understood that this change is best for everyone, because of this corona situation. The change in which I’m referring to, are the distance learning for my college classes, wearing protective mask and gloves whenever going outside, washing hands and keeping your hand sanitized more often, and last but not least staying home or going outside when it’s necessary.

When I heard the news about the first case in NYC, I didn’t care much about the situation. In the middle of March, I started to realize that a lot more people received the virus. After I got the news that all CUNY colleges and public schools are going to do distance learning or going to do online classes, that’s when I realized that this thing is serious. At first, I got excited and all for the distance learning, but as of now I’m bored staying inside for this long. Even though I get to play all my video games, watch my favorite movie or TV series, and be on my social media all day. At some point doing something for so long can get you bored.

I remember when my dad and I went to the groceries and we had our mask and gloves on. I saw there was a lot of empty shelves and there was no toilet paper, no gallon water and no food items in general. Eventually we got all the supplies that we needed to keep us home, and not having to go outside to get something.

One thought on “My COrona Blog”

  1. I am glad that you and your family were eventually able to get everything you need. I think now that people are settling into this pattern of life a little bit more, things are going to feel a little less crazy– not the masks, gloves, and staying home, but the part where people are panic buying everything in the stores. Why not learn a new skill? Like coding? Or baking? Or puzzles?

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