Category Archives: Internships

Internship Blog Post #17

For the last week of my internship, I continue to post and interact with our followers. I was supposed to officially print out my t shirt for a logo I created but the office was closed. The office will be open next week.. That being said, it was great working for Eravitacy. I learn a lot on how to market a company social media. This a very important concept when having a company because it’s a way to earn clients and easy way to network.Ā  Can also build a support system from followers. When having a business it can be hard to have motivation but when strangers give you an extra push it makes you want to keep going. Iv’e reach my goal to gain 100 followers before the semester ends to show results. Gaining 100 followers wasn’t easy. This company gave me an extra pushed to start my own business. The founder of Eravitacy told me I could continue to work for the company and if I’m interested, he will add me to the payroll as a social media marketer and access to print out logos onto clothes if I ever start my own business.

Internship Blog Post #16

On week 16 I attended a Student Career Day with the company IAB hosted by Experian. I learn different fields that can be apply under Communication design. The speaker showed early career programs with Experian, careers in digital advertising, and Experian’s marketing services. The marketing services caught my attention because I’m working a social media marketer for my internship. The speaker show the in and outs in marketing. The Experian’s marketing services create more opportunities for consumers, businesses, and society to deliver privacy-forward data and insights to help brands meaningfully connect with people.

I continue to market Eravitacy’s instagram and find different strategy to gain clients/followers.

Internship Blog Post #15

Week 15, mostly posted our services and engage with our followers. Direct message other small upcoming companies to look for services that they might need. Each week I check the company’s insights to see how well we’re doing and find ways to improve our page. InstagramĀ  have a built-in data analytics tools, enabling companies to track the progress, success, and engagement of ad campaigns.

Internship Blog Post #14

In this week, the team did a professional photo shoot in a studio. I feel like people would be intrigue on looking at the shoot and how it was done. They recorded behind the scenes to show our followers the process on what it takes to build a company. We always to show the process of everything that we do. Show that we are a legit company not a spam account. Also show that we are multi talented in any field of graphic designs, weather is editing, creating ads, recording videos, taking photos, designing, commercial work and etc. Everyone on the team is specialize in some field of graphic design.

Internship Blog Post #13

Week 13, Mostly did posting for the company and more research how to gain more followers. We did a black Friday sale, 20% off on any item you purchase from our website. I advertise on our instagram page and pay for a promotion to get customers. Paying for a promotion is an investment to reach customers and clients to our business. We always want to gain in what we put in. Specially as a small upcoming business.

Internship Blog Post #12

For week 12, I posted the clothing brand and posted it on my instagram story for a wider engagement to our page. My goal for this page to reach at least 100 followers by the December. Once I posted the clothing brand, I reach out to different instagram account to engage with them and made sure I didn’t sound like a bot. What I wrote to other users ” Hey how you doing, would you interested in buying a t shirt and get another one for free”. I wanted to find a way to get people to buy our clothes and think of doing a mini sale to get people attention because who don’t like free stuff.

Internship Blog Post #11

In week 11, we show our followers that we do video editing to our new followers on our instagram page. On our page you can the final results. The video was shot from a professional camera and edited in Adobe Premiere Pro.


Internship Blog Post #10

Week 10, The team members wanted me to bring in a logo that i’ve created in the past to print on to a t shirt. I bring in my logo that iv’e created into the office. The logo that I have was created a year ago for a brand that I made. I did the same process i did for week 9. My first time trying I mess up. The logo was big and inside details was too little. I wasn’t able to finish up the process because it was getting late and had to re touch my logo. As my social media markting part, i posted the company’s hoodie.

Internship Blog Post #7

On this week, I engage with supporters, messaging people , show support to other business pages and interact with people on instagram. The founder created invitation designs and wanted me to post it on the company instagram. I created a post on company page and story. Few people engage in the post. We try to post everything that we made with previous clients to show off our work to gain new clients.