This pt. is a 35 year old male, non-smoker. Pt. taking antidepressants, class II drugs for a back injury and Ambien for insomnia. Erosion very prominent on anterior linguals.

Pre- cleaning picture shows staining on the mandibular linguals and maxillary linguals. Pt is a 25 year old male, non-smoker. Pt is a heavy coffee drinker.

Pt. A.S was seen in 2015, pt had a supernumerary tooth between teeth #6 & #7. In addition, this was the pt. first dental visit since coming to America from Iran and this was his post appointment photos! He was very please!

This FMS was taken this semester on a 36 y.o male. Radiographs revealed two odontomas on the URQ and ULQ. In addition, clinically all third molars were not present and pt. did confirm he had them extracted. Upon exposure of the radiographs it was revealed that the pt. had 2 retained roots in the vicinity of #16 and #32. The wonders of radiographs!!!!