Bleach is an anime about a teenager named Ichigo Kurosaki who can see ghosts which enables him to meet Rukia Kuchiki, a soul reaper. During a battle with a hollow which is an evil spirit, she commits a capital offense in a desperate moment and transferred her powers to Ichigo. She is forced to take on a human body and lives in the world of the living and gradually becomes weaker. She is eventually sentenced to death when discovered by the authorities of the soul society. Ichigo and 3 of his friends travel to the soul society to save her.
Bleach is a Japanese manga about a hothead teenager named Ichigo Kurosaki who has the ability to see ghosts which enables him to meet Rukia Kuchiki, a supernatural being. During a battle with a hollow which is an evil spirit, she commits a capital offense in a desperate moment and transferred her powers to Ichigo. His power forces him to take on supernatural fights to defend the humans from evil spirits all while balancing his social and educational life. In a dramatic turn of events, Rukia is sentenced to death back in the soul society and Ichigo loses his temporary soul reaper powers. In order to save her Ichigo awakens his own powers and becomes strong enough to take on the thirteen captains and save his friend Rukia.