Monthly Archives: October 2017


I am doing my work so far. I’m trying my best to get the work done and trying to achieve the highest grades for those assignment. So far i’m working on project 2, which was a bit challenging when trying to choose a term for the project but when i choose the word it was straightforward after that.

Course review

I really enjoy this course. I think is important for students to take this course since in the business word we will need to communicate in a formal business manner. A lot of the new generations including mine, don’t grow up with this education. I really enjoyed the reading assignments given in this class, which are very informative and gave me a different point of view of looking at the effects  technology has had in in our modern society.  I just wish I can dedicate more time to this class, so I can get the most out of this course. But I still enjoy learning, and improve my writing skills.

Elashia Kea; English 2575; Mid Semester Review

So far the class has been very informative. The course gave me a different perspective on how I evaluate and see things. But one thing for sure it opened my eyes to how short my attention span is when It comes to reading and listening. Even though I came to the realization of these issues, I still don’t want to read as much!  I don’t know what type of exercises or anything for that matter, to help me with this problem. Help me pleaseeee. Thanks.

ENG 2575 – Thoughts/Feelings about this Class So Far…

So far, I feel like I have learned so much about how to improve my writing and how I read and analyze my own writing. I feel that that this class has forced me to analyze my writing a little more and figure out if I am making sure that I hit all of the points necessary in the writing. I still have much trouble with writing Introduction paragraphs. I feel like I know what the Intro needs, but I need the help to know how to make sure it explains what I will write in a paper. In addition, I have also learned about to figure out the main points and what the writer is trying to say in the works the professor hands in class. Now, I feel like I can truly read a piece of work and analyze the main points the writer wants you to understand. I feel like I have improved slightly in this class and I hope to be a better writer by the end of this course. I just need to work on more writing and practicing as much as I can.

Christopher Soto – Course Progress

The course is going great. I’ve learned about summarizing technical articles, a technique which I had no experience prior to taking this class. I really like that we have the ability to choose topics that we are interested in, as opposed to other English courses in which students are forced to work with a specific topic and a specific piece of literature. Having the ability to choose our own technical topics for our assignments has made it much more engaging to complete assignments and really keeps me engaged in the course.