ENG 2575 – Thoughts/Feelings about this Class So Far…

So far, I feel like I have learned so much about how to improve my writing and how I read and analyze my own writing. I feel that that this class has forced me to analyze my writing a little more and figure out if I am making sure that I hit all of the points necessary in the writing. I still have much trouble with writing Introduction paragraphs. I feel like I know what the Intro needs, but I need the help to know how to make sure it explains what I will write in a paper. In addition, I have also learned about to figure out the main points and what the writer is trying to say in the works the professor hands in class. Now, I feel like I can truly read a piece of work and analyze the main points the writer wants you to understand. I feel like I have improved slightly in this class and I hope to be a better writer by the end of this course. I just need to work on more writing and practicing as much as I can.

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