
My name is Tayyaba. This is my second year in City Tech. I was in the Dental Technician field but then I changed my major to liberal arts in science. Music helps me relieve my stress. I’m also a huge fan of makeup. I absolutely love collecting the limited edition sets. I love doing makeup on others too. Although becoming a cosmetologist isn’t what I want as a career. I have always wanted to become a dentist. They say smiling is contagious to I wanted to help others get the smile they always wanted. Hopefully in another 2 years I will get my bachelors. With that I plan on going to dental school.  I am also very competitive especially when it’s male vs female. This is one reason why I chose women writers. I wanted to explore the world of women writers. How the first female got her name out with her written piece. I would love to have discussions on how female portrays her feelings into her writings. Another thing I like to do is travel. I’m Pakistani so I always go to Pakistan, along with that I have been to Saudi Arabia, England, & Canada.  Overall I’m a jolly person.

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