The Yellow WallPaper

Choose three quotations from thenYellow Wallpaper that convince you that the protagonist is an unreliable narrator and explain why for each.

The Narrator is a young, upper middle class woman, who is newly married and a mother, who is suffering from depression. The narrator whose name may or may not be Jane is highly imaginative and a natural storyteller, though her doctors believe she has a “slight hysterical tendency.” The story is told in the form of her secret diary, in which she records her thoughts as her obsession with the wallpaper grows. which could be that maybe not everything  was a fancy and she’s an unreliable narrator.

” Sometimes I think it’s a great many women behind , and sometimes only one , and she crawls around fast and her crawling shakes it all over ”

The protagonist can not make up her mind whether there is one woman in the wallpaper or many. I don’t believe she is depicting herself to be in the right state of mind because it is conflicting to speak about walk paper and to suggest that a woman on the wall paper is crawling to make it shake. Maybe this woman, or these women were only in her imagination. The protagonist is proving to be an unreliable narrator here because she is unable to convince you of one thought without considering another.

” John is a physician( and perhaps I would not say this to a living soul of course, but this dead paper and a great relief to my mind.)Perhaps that is one reason I don’t get well faster”

I feel that the protagonist is unreliable in this statement because it is not clear her husband is or not a real physician. Though she never actually completed her thought she always  contradicts herself several times. The narrator who is telling this story about herself states that shel was talking to dead paper when in reality she was talking to herself because the paper was never alive.

“I don’t like to look out of the windows even—there are so many of those creeping women, and they creep so fast. I wonder if they all come out of that wall-paper as I did?”

this is final scene, just before John finally breaks into her room, the narrator has finished tearing off enough of the wallpaper that the woman she saw inside is now free and the two women have become one.The woman behind the pattern was an image of herself she has been the one “stooping and creeping.”



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