“The Story Of an Hour”, by author Kate Chopin, is a very interesting but tragic story that depicts the theme of freedom. The story is based on a woman named Mrs. Mallard, who suffers from heart problems. Her husband Mr. MallardĀ is believed to have died in a car accident. The family does not know how to tell her , because they fear what might happen to her after hearing the news. Mrs. Mallard is feeling sad and hurt by the news, but there seems to be something strange happing to her. She begins to have feelings of joy and feeling free. It is from that moment that moment that the theme of freedom plays from there to the end of the story. The narrator states,[ “When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips. She said it over and over under her breath:”free, free,free!”], showing how Mrs. Mallard is not restricted and has freedom to as she pleases. The theme of freedom is also portrayed when she states, “There would be on one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself”. This shows that there was frustration and feeling of being told what do. Now she no longer had to deal with this. Her Husband was the cause of her unhappiness. It is because his death she is truly happy. Unfortunately for Mrs. Mallard her time of joy is cut short. While is alone having these thoughts of freedom and how to live the rest of her life, somebody is at her room and when she goes down the stairs and someone is opening the door, she sees her husband. Mrs. Mallard has a heart attack after seeing him alive. Her joy and freedom was only for the spur of the moment because she dies due to the heart attack.