“And lots of other things,” said he. “But you haven’t done half as much of your lovely work since you started this kitchen business, and you’ll will forgive me, dear it hasn’t been as good. Your work is quite too good to lose; it is a beautiful and distinctive art, and I don’t want you to let it go.”

1. The Cottagette

2. Charlotte Perkins Gilman

3. In this passage, Ford Matthews is explaining to Malda that even though he still grew to love her even after she started cooking and cleaning, he insist that she lets it go for her own sake. He knows how talented she is and he feels it would be a waste to let cooking and cleaning get in the way of her art.

4. This passage relates to the bigger issue of how society views women. Maldas love for Matthews was so strong that she didn’t realize how she was slowly becoming a house wife. Nowadays it is very common to have house wifes that stay home, clean and cook. This passage is important because it shows us that they are men who don’t think every wife needs to be a house wife, that she can be whoever she wants and the man will still love her unconditionally.

2 thoughts on “MIDTERM PREP

  1. I completely agree with you. It’s very unfortunate that in todays society you see many women who cant follow their dreams because their significant other doesn’t allow them to. This is honestly really sad because the women might end up being very depressed. Being a housewife is definitely not for everyone, especially not for people who have big dreams. I think that if you’re going to be a housewife for the rest of your life, the decision should come from you because not everyone is okay with being stuck at home all the time.

  2. Love that you chose is quote. This quote shows how Mathew loved Malda for her and not for she can do as a housewife. I totally agree with the last comment many women now in days fall in love with men and forget that they once had dreams and things that they wanted to accomplish. They are so concern in making their husband feel good that they forget who they are. Matthew was different he actaully admired Malda talents and didnt want her to stop doing what she loves to become his wife and only his wife. i do believe if a person loves you they will no matter what and will respect all the decisions you make.

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