Midterm prep

” Incited. That was it, the guiding principle of her life in Copenhagen. She was incited to make an  impression. She was incited to inflame attention and admiration. She was dressed for it, subtly schooled for it. And after a while she gave herself up wholly to the fascinating business of being seen, gaped and desired. ”


2.Nella Larsen

3.In this passage Helga was provoked by the opinion of others in Copenhagen. She was convinced that her expensive clothes would make an impression on others , especially men in Denmark. Helen was provoked to expect attention due to the amount of care she had already begun to receive. Being back in Denmark she had began to notice that she would be praised In some sort and desired, she gave up her original style to take on a style that had been provoked by the people of Copenhagen and the way they treated her.

4.To me this passage helps to represent the inconsistency of Helga. It connects to the bigger picture In this text because it proves as just another one of the escapades on the journey of finding herself. This passage helps me to notice that Helga does not really accept herself besides  what makes her acceptable to others. It is justification that who she is , or was before she came back to Denmark was not something or someone that she was satisfied with. Helga spent a lot of time criticizing herself, and when others did not criticize her, she felt a sense if belonging. I think the bigger picture here is identity.

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