Midterm questions 1


“I cry at nothing, and cry most of the time.”









  • identify the title of the text- The Yellow Wallpaper
  • identify the author-Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • explain what is happening in the passage, – In this passage, her disorder , loniless and unhappy marriage makes her very sad and makes her depressed.
  • explain how it connect to larger issues or themes in the text- This is connected to the larger issues in the text which is how her disorder and her unhappy marriage makes her feel unwanted. Also due to her disorder she was kept in her bedroom isotlated form the outdie world which made her go crazy

4 thoughts on “Midterm questions 1

  1. That would be a hard one! Maybe more illustrative if there had been a little more context? The explanation was really enlightening, though. I think she already had a psychologic condition, and the “treatment” only made it worse.

  2. I agree with Andie, this quote might be a little hard since it doesn’t have much depth to it. But, I do concur that her disorder and marriage constantly makes her cry and unhappy. Also, with her being locked up in the house didn’t make anything better.

    • I think this quote was fairly easy. When I read it at first I thought about “Story of an hour” but then I realize the lady in that story wasn’t crying so much. She was actually happy that her husband died. The next guess that came to mine was “The yellow wallpaper”. I remember this part because this was the part the narrator had asked her husband to go outside but he replied no and told her to get some rest. I also remember this quotation because the narrator was on the floor while crying.

      • Hay I thought this was a easy quote as well ,to be honest. The reason I choose this quote is because it has so much depth but very little words and expiation ! I understand where Andie is coming from. I did my project on the yellow wallpaper so I know this story vey well !

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