Midterm exam prep

1) “But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And she opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome.”



The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin

This quote comes from a time in the story when Mrs. Mallard was thinking about her life after hearing the news of the death of her husband.

This quote connects with the theme of Mrs. Mallard being free from her marriage. Before the death of her husband, she was trapped in her marriage. She felt like she couldn’t have her own opinion because her husband would have one for her. Now that he was dead, she could finally think for herself and be truly happy.










2) “But does it matter, I ask? Does it matter? Has he spent an evening at home? Has he so much as complimented my gowns this season or noticed that I’ve painted the damn boudoir vermilion red? Just look at this awful color, looks like a bohemian garret. But, does he notice? ”

Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottage

In this quote, Mrs. Van Buren is trying on lingerie that Ester has made for her. while trying on the clothes, she expresses her feelings about the lack of Mr. Van Buren’s attention to her.

This quote connects to the issue of low self esteem. Mrs. Van Buren’s lack of self worth leads her to believe that if she changes things about herself, that her husband will notice and pay more attention. the quote shows the moment that she questions whether or not the changes she is making makes a difference to her husband. No matter how outfits she wears to impress him, she wonders if he notices anything. This can also be deeper than if he notices the changes she’s making, but if he notices that she’s trying something different about herself to try to save their relationship. Does he notice that her change of appearance is a cry for help, a plea for attention and love?



2 thoughts on “Midterm exam prep

  1. I love the quote you picked from story of an hour. I definitely agree that Ms.Mallard was upset at the initial loss of her husband, she thought of him as a kind soul and knew she would miss him. But she felt the realization coming that she was alone now, and that her days “belonged to her” solely and she couldn’t resist being so happy at that though.

  2. I also love the quote you used from “Story of an hour”. This quote was the starting point of Ms.Mallard new happiness. Just in few simple words this quote sums up what Ms.Mallard as been through. After years of taking demands from her husband she finally can take back everything he had taken from her as she states “that would belong to her absolutely.” She wasn’t sad or hurt that her husband passed away, she simply accepted the fact that he is gone with joy.

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