Midterm exam preparation

1) The Cottagette

2) By: Charlotte Perkins Gilman

“I want to marry you, Malda, –because I love you—because you are young and strong and beautiful—because you are wild and sweet and—fragrant, and—elusive, like the wild flowers you love. Because you are so truly an artist in your special way, seeing beauty and giving it to others. I love you because of all of this, because you are rational and highminded and capable of friendship, –and in spite of your cooking!”

3) I chose this passage because I believe Ford was trying to express his love to Malda. He was trying to genuinely show Malda that he truly loves her, not only for cooking but because she is a bright, smart, caring, intelligent, and loving woman. That he loves every part of her, and would kindly support her, on pursuing her dreams. That he sincerely loves her as a person for her wonderful personality and would do anything for her.

4) I believe this passage connects to larger issues in society today, by showing us women that not all men are the same. I believe Gilman wrote this story, to express to us women that true love still does exist in this world, and that us women should not settle for less than we deserve. Furthermore, that there is a man out there who will love you wholly, for who you really are. I think she also tries to prove to us that women don’t always have to cook and clean in order to keep a man. There is more to a woman, than just the way she cooks or cleans. Women have talent, and intelligence just as well as men do. And at the end of the day, a man will not only remember you for your cooking and cleaning, but more for your understanding, intellect, and ambition to pursue your dreams in life.

1 thought on “Midterm exam preparation

  1. i love this quote and how you explained how it connects to the larger issues of the story. This story actually caught my eye because it showed us a man that actaully was in love with a women now for what she can offer him as a house wife but as a person. He loved her for her talents for who she truly was. He knew that she grew up being taught how to do things in a house but he wanted to show her something different . He wanted to show her that he was a different type of man. Different from the one that Lois was Telling Malda about. This story standed out because at this period of time men didnt think the way he did. I also love how you stated women shouldnt settle for less then what they derserve and there are men who will actaully really love you. Women should always stand for what they want and what they believe in.

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