Yellow Wallpaper; Horror Story?! Late assignment

In the Yellow Wallpaper written by Charotte Perkins, there is a married couple. John and his wife. I believe this story to be a horror story. The reason for this is because the story starts about with the narrator describing their estate. At first she seems pleased with the home. As she continued to describe the home it felt as if she was describing a haunted house. She then speaks of her illness and how John belittles her illness. John doesn’t only belittle her illness but the also belittles her everything about her.  John doesn’t care much about her thoughts or personal issues. In the bedroom there is a yellow wallpaper that she says is “revolting”. In secret she writes a journal which john doesn’t approve of. After the summer days pasts she continues to write in the journal against the approval of her husband. Over time her hatred for the wallpaper has turned into a form for entertainment for her. She began to study the patterns in the wallpaper. John noticed and he thought that she was improving. She believed that there is a women trapped in the wallpaper. I don’t think that the patterns that she sees describes a women that is trapped, I believe that she sees herself in the wallpaper. She is trapped within the walls of husband and her illness. She has to hide her feelings away. Personally knowing how that feeling is a horror story in its self. If she can’t express herself, and keeps her feels inside she will “crack” which is what happen when she ripped the wallpaper from the walls to free the women. methaoraly she was freeing herself from her thoughts and the “walls” that were up put up by her husband. After the wallpaper was ripped off the narrator  “I had to creep over him every time!” this is the most powerful statement though out the story this proves that she had overcome her fears and is finally to break free. This isn’t your normal horror story there are no physical monsters or villains instead it’s her husband her illness and her thoughts.

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