The Yellow Wallpaper

Choose three quotations from thenYellow Wallpaper that convince you that the protagonist is an unreliable narrator and explain why for each.

1- ” John is a physician( and perhaps I would not say this to a living soul of course, but this dead paper and a great relief to my mind.)Perhaps that is one reason I don’t get well faster”

I feel that the protagonist is unreliable in this statement because it is not clear the pint that she is trying to make. How can someone of a stable mind feel relief talking to paper? Though she never actually completed her thought she contradicts herself several times. The narrator who is telling this story about herself states that shel was talking to dead paper when in reality she w as talking to herself because the paper was never alive.

2-” I am glad my case is not serious, but these nervous troubles are dreadfully depressing”

The protagonist states her case is not serious and the. In the same breath states her nervous troubles are dreadfully depressing. How can someone who is dreadfully depressed be glad?  This narrator is making it very difficult to believe her story. I feel that she is adding thoughts in places where they don’t belong.

3- ” Sometimes I think it’s a great many women behind , and sometimes only one , and she crawls around fast and her crawling shakes it all over ”

The protagonist is unable to make up her mind whether there is one woman in the wall paper or many. I don’t believe she is portraying herself to be I the right state of mind because it is conflicting to speak about walk paper and to suggest that a woman on the wall paper is crawling to make it shake. Maybe this woman, or these women were only in her imagination. The protagonist is proving to be an unreliable narrator here because she is unable to convince you of one thought without considering another.


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