The story of Mallard

Yamena Taha  

In the short story “The Story of an Hour” the author Kate Chopin describes a story about a women’s life journey to find happiness. As I was reading I noticed the main theme was irony. In the story Chopin explains how the main character Mrs,Mallard mother of six has heart problems. She is about to hear the news of her husband’s death. It is very ironic that Mrs. Mallard begins to have heart problems around the time when she found out about her husband’s death. Mrs. Mallard irony does find happiness. She expresses her joy, not her joy for her husband’s death but for her freedom. This emotion is symbolizes by her looking out for the window, symbolizing freedom. Not only did she emotionally express hurt freedom she verbally expressed her freedom after her husband’s death. She begins to feel guilty for he emotions. Later on in the story, Chopin later uses the literately technique, imagery. She begins see her dead husband on her door step. As we know Mrs.Mallard has heart problems. I believe that the theme of this story is death and or tragedy the reason for this is because it seems that Mrs.Mallard has died from heart disease.

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