Now it’s my turn

Hopefully you’ve gotten to know me a little bit just from my previous posts–our writing says a lot about us–but allow me to introduce myself more fully. I’m a native New Yorker, and have lived in three of the five boroughs. I’m an assistant professor in the English Department at City Tech, with a Ph.D. in English and a certificate in Women’s Studies from the CUNY Graduate Center. My undergraduate degree from Brown University is in both English and Biology. As a college student, this combination often confused people, and they would ask “What are you going to do, write science textbooks?” No, that was never an interest of mine. I do use a lot of science terminology and metaphors in my writing, both in my creative writing and in my scholarly work.

Here at City Tech, I’m involved in a number of interesting projects. I won’t list them all, but I’m active on the Undergraduate Research Committee, so let’s talk if you’re interested in conducting research. I’m currently the OpenLab co-director, and am conducting research on interactive technology use in education. My scholarly work also focuses on narrative theory, gender and sexuality studies, and literature of the 20th century.

Outside of work–if we can ever really separate the things we do into work and non-work, I’m an avid knitter and crocheter. I’ve been known to quilt. I love to cook. I want to learn how to use a letterpress. As you can see, I like to make things! It’s so satisfying to see a project through from start to finish, and to have a tangible object to show for it.

I love to look at old maps and photographs of New York, and often incorporate them into my ENG 1101 courses. Although I’m an amateur and don’t have fancy equipment, I love to take photographs when I travel, whether it’s to the UK (a great trip I took this summer), to California (where I’ll be visiting this spring), or even just for a ride on the Staten Island Ferry (which I’ve done countless times).

Now that you’ve gotten to know me a bit better, I look forward to getting to know all of you!


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