Principles of Composition definitions

JOURNALS Prof. Rosenblatt

Note: [. . .] indicates omission of definition not directly useful to visual application

Rhythm: (fr. rhein to flow — more at STREAM (1560)
1 a : an ordered recurrent alternation of strong and weak elements in the flow of sound and silence in speech. b : a particular example or form of rhythm
2 a : the aspect of music comprising all the elements (as accent, meter, and tempos) that relate to forward movement b : a characteristic rhythmic pattern : also: METER [. . .]3 a : movement or fluctuation marked by the regular recurrence or natural flow of related elements
b : the repetition in a literary work of phrase, incident, character type, or symbol
4 a : a regularly recurrent quantitative change in a variable biological process
5 : the effect created by the elements in a play, movie, or novel that relate to the temporal development of the action 6 : Rhythm method

Texture: n (L. textura fr textus, pp. of textere TO WEAVE — more at TECHNICAL) (1578)
1 a : something composed of closely woven elements: specif : a woven cloth b : the structure formed by the threads of a fabric 2 a : essential part : SUBSTANCE b : identifying quality : CHARACTER 3 a : the disposition or manner of union of the particles of a body of substance b : the virtual or tactile surface characteristics and appearance of something (the ~ of an oil painting)
4 a : the composite of the elements of prose or poetry (all these words . . . meet violently to form a ~ impressive and exciting —John Berryman) b : a of musical sound created by tones or lines played or sung together 3 a : basic scheme or structure b : overall structure —textural adjective texturally adverb

Movement: noun 1 a : (1) the act or process of moving; esp : change of place or posture (2) : a particular instance or manner of moving b : (1) : a tactical or strategic shifting of a military unit : MANEUVER (2) : the advance of a military unit c : ACTION, ACTIVITY — usu. used in pl.
2 a : TENDENCY, TREND (detected a ~ toward fairer pricing) b : a series of organized activities working toward an objective; also : and organized effort to promote or attain and end (the civil rights ~) 3 : the moving parts of a mechanism that transmit a definite motion 4 [. . .]c : a distinct structural unit or division having its own key, rhythmic structure and themes and forming part of an extended musical composition d : particular rhythmic flow of language : CADENCE 5 a : the quality as in a painting or sculpture) representing or suggesting motion b : the quality in literature of having a quickly moving plot or an abundance of incident [. . .]

Tone: noun (ME. fr L tonus tension, tone fr Gk tonos, lit. act of stretching: akin to Gk teinein to stretch – more at THIN)[14c] [. . .] 3: 7 a (1) : color quality or value (2) a tint or shade of color
b : the color that appreciably modifies a hue or white or black (grey walls or greenish ~) 8 : the effect in painting of light and shade together with color 9 [. . .] b : a normal tension to stimuli
[. . .]

Scale n 3 : something graduated esp. when used as a measure or rule: as b : an indication of the relationship between the distances on a map and the corresponding actual distances
5 : a proportion between two sets of dimensions (as between a drawing and its original) b : a distinctive relative size, extent, or degree (projects done on a large ~)
Scale–up n an increase according to a fixed ratio.
Scale vb 2 a : to arrange in a graduated series b : to measure by or as if in a scale c : to pattern, make, regulate, set, or estimate according to some rate or standard 3 : MEASURE

Interval n [ME intervalle, fr. MF, fr. L intervallum space between ramparts, interval, fr. inter- + vallum rampart — more at WALL] 1 a : a space of time between events or states [. . .] 2 a : a space between objects, units, points, or states [. . .]

Density n. pl. -ities (1603) 1 : the quality or state of being dense 2 : the quantity per unit volume, unit area, or unit length: as a : the mass of a substance per unit volume b : the distribution of a quantity (as mass, electricity or energy) per unit usu. of space (as length, area, or volume)
c : the average number of individuals or units per space unit (a population ~ of 500 per square mile) [. . .] 3 a : the degree of opacity of a translucent medium b : the common logarithm
of the opacity

Proportion n. [. . .] 1 : harmonious relation of parts to each other or the whole : BALANCE,
SYMMETRY 2 : a proper or equal share (each did her ~ of the work) b : QUOTA, PERCENTAGE
3 : that relation of one part to another or to the whole with respect to magnitude, quantity, or degree 4 : SIZE, DIMENSION [. . .] compare EXTREME 1b, MEAN 1c

Balance n. [ME fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL bilancia, fr LL bilanc-, bilanx having two scalepans, fr. L bi- + lanc-, lanx plate] 1 : an instrument for weighing: [. . .] c cap : LIBRA 2 : a means of judging or deciding 3 : a counterbalancing weight, force, or influence 4 : [. . .] 5 a : stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of the vertical axis b : equipoise between contrasting, opposing, or interacting elements c : [. . .] 6 a : an aesthetically pleasing integration of elements b : [. . .] 7 a : physical equilibrium b : the ability to retain one balance
8 a : a weight or force of one side in excess of another b : something left over : REMAINDER
c : [. . .] 9: [. . .]

Contrast n. (1711) 1 a : juxtaposition of dissimilar elements (as color, tone or emotion) in a work of art b : degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of a picture 2 a : the difference or degree of difference between things having similar or comparable natures the ~ between two forms of government) b : comparison of similar objects to set off their dissimilar qualities : the state of being so compared (the enforced simplicity in the diary . . . is in ~ to the intensity of his former life — Times Lit. Supp) 3 : a person or thing that exhibits difference when compared with another

Pattern n. [ME patron fr. MF fr. ML patronus] (14c) 1 : a a form or model proposed for imitation : EXEMPLAR 2 : something designed or used as a model for making things (a dressmaker’s ~) 3 [. . .] 4 : an artistic, musical, literary, or mechanical design of form 5 : a natural or chance configuration (frost ~) (the ~ of events) 6 : [. . .] 7 : the grouping made on a target by bullets
8 : 9 : [. . .] 10 : TEST PATTERN 11 : a discernible coherent system based on the intended interrelationship of component parts (foreign policy ~) 12 : frequent or widespread incidence (a ~ of dissent)
Pattern can be organized by similarity (things are alike and placed in a consistent manner)
or they can be organized by proximity (things are unalike but placed in a consistent manner as in grouping)

Distance n. (14c) 1 : [. . .] 2 : a separation in time b : the degree or amount of separation between two points, lines, surfaces or objects c : (1) : an extent of area or an advance along a route measured linearity (2) : an extent of space measured other linearly (within walking ~) d : an extent of advance from a beginning e : EXPANSE f : (1). (2), (3) [. . . ] 3 : the quality or state of being distant : as a : spatial remoteness b : personal and esp. emotional separation: also : RESERVE, COLDNESS c : DIFFERENCE, DISPARITY 4 : a distant point or region 5 a : AESTHETIC DISTANCE b : capacity to observe dispassionately : to complete a course of action

Depth n. (ME prob. fr. dep deep) (14c) 1 a : (1) : deep place in a body of water (2) : a part that is far from the outside or surface (the ~s of the woods) (3) : abyss 2 b (1) a profound or intense state as of thought or feeling [. . . } (2) : the middle of time (as winter) (3) : [. . .] 2 a : the perpendicular measurement downward from a surface b : the direct linear measurement from front to back 3 : the quality of being deep 4 : the degree of intensity (~ of a color) [. . .]
5 : the quality or state of being thorough [. . .]

Asymmetry n. see asymmetrical adj. (Gk asymmetria lack of proportion fr. asymmetros ill-proportioned, fr. a + symmetros) (1690) 1 : not symmetrical 2 : [. . .]

Symmetry n. (L. symmetria, fr. Gk, fr. symmetros symmetrical, fr. syn + metron measure — more at MEASURE) (1541) 1 : balanced proportions; also : beauty of form arising from balanced proportions 2 : the property of being symmetrical; esp. correspondence in size, shape and relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or median plane or about a center or axis — compare BILATERAL SYMMETRY OR RADIAL SYMMETRY 3 : , 4 : [. . .]
Axis n. (L, axis, axle; akin to OE eax axis, axle, Gk axōn, Lith ašis Skt akşa) (14c) 1 a : a straight line about which a body or geometric figure rotates or may be supposed to rotate b : a straight line with respect to which a body or figure is symmetrical — called also axis of symmetry c : a straight line that bisects at right angles a system of parallel chords of a curve and divides into two symmetrical parts d :, 2 : a [. . . ] b : any of various central, fundamental, or axial parts 3 : a plant stem 4 : [. . .] 5 : a main line of direction, motion, growth or extension 6 a : an implied line in painting or sculpture through a composition to which elements in the composition are referred b : a line actually drawn and used as the basis of measurement in an architectural or other working drawing 7 : any of three fixed lines of reference in an aircraft that run in the longitudinal, lateral and vertical directions, are mutually perpendicular, and usu. pass through the aircraft’s center of gravity 8 : [. . .]

Space n. often attrib (ME, fr. OF espace, fr. L spatium area, room interval of space or time) (14c) 1 : a period of time; also its duration 2 a : a limited extent in one, two or three dimensions : DISTANCE, AREA, VOLUME b : an extent set apart or available (floor ~) (parking ~) 3 : one of the degrees between or above or below a musical staff — compare line 4 a : a boundless three dimensional extent in which objects and event occur and have relative position and direction b : physical space independent of what occupies it — called also absolute space 5 : the region beyond the earth’s atmosphere or beyond the solar system 6 a : a bland area separating words or lines b : material used to produce such blank area : esp : a piece of type less than one en in width 7 : [. . .] compare METRIC SPACE, TOPOLOGICAL SPACE, VECTOR SPACE 8 :, 9 a : b :, 10 :, 11 : [. . .]

Transparency n. 1 : the quality or state of being transparent 2 : something transparent, esp : a picture (as on film) viewed by light shining through it or by projection
transparent adj. 1 a : (1) having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies lying beyond are seen clearly : PELLUCID (2) : allowing the passage of a specified form of radiation (as X rays or ultraviolet light) b : fine or sheer enough to be seen through : DIAPHANOUS 2 a :, b :, c : [. . .] syn see CLEAR

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