Assignments Overview
For Graphic Design Principles 1 you will have an on going weekly assignment in addition to the course assignments.
See calendar deadline listing. (pdf at sidebar)
The principles of composition Journal which is a Monday morning presentation (occasionally Thursday) of samples you have found for each week’s word using commercial work such as: ads, posters, book covers, self mailers, package design, CD and DVD covers, game box covers etc. Commercial means the work is trying to sell something.
See terms of Composition for presentation formatting. See calendar of deadlines for due dates. (both in pdf in the sidebar of the course page)
ASSIGNMENTS LIST: These will be added to the course site menu once given in class.
1. Line/movement
2. Squares/meaning
3. Texture/graphic/figure/ground
4. “Spots” drawing (3 drawings)
5, 6, 7 and 8: Basic Charts: gray scale, color wheel, Goethe color triangle, mixed pairs
9. Transparency composition assignment
10. (2)4″ Square pattern and transparency
11. additionally: Phtotoshop exercise and required OpenLab website.