self introductory card

Self Introductory Card – (in three different realizations: line, figure/ground black and white and later in the semester in color)

1. Declare what you think others like about you. Find one and more ways to image this.

2. Declare what you like about yourself which others may find outrageous.

Outrageous strongly suggests other qualities of surprise, potential irritation, annoyance or even repulsion with an element of free spirit. Maybe something like enjoying singing loudly, or being a slob when alone, or dressing in grungy clothing or in mixing unmatched patterns is your pet love of yourself!

Some ways of thinking about the relationships between the two sides to yourself can be:

flip side


surprise side

masked and unmasked

vague and sharp

conventional and provocative

These can also help think about how you will make the images relate to each other and how to structure the card.Keep s sketchbook section for working thumbnail drawings and notes on this. I will be checking it often.Keep a reference page of research for paper structures to offer surprise.