Chef Report L7- 03/08/23

Chef: Melissa Rosario 

Steward: Daniel  

Steward’s Assistant: Riley 

I started my duty as chef by helping the steward Daniel with scaling and going over the requisition. I proceeded with looking over the menu for the day that was Egg pasta for Pasta Bolognese, Rice Pilaf, Risotto alla Parmigiana, Polenta Fries with Olives, Wheatberries with Poblanos and Pecans, Black Beans, and a Quinoa Salad. After the lecture on starches, all the teams started their mise en place for their recipes. The team that had the Wheatberries had to start cooking right away to stay on top of time management, because it took the longest to cook. Professor Riley demonstrated Egg Pasta which was easy to make. It consisted of flour, eggs, olive oil and salt. 

Everyone did their assigned tasks in a timely manner although I did notice as I was doing the checklist the tray on the stove was not pulled out and cleaned and the bottom of the workbenches were not wiped down. I made sure to clean it before I left the classroom. The class works very well with one another. Everyone helps each other out when needed and is respectful to one another.  

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