I have revised and updated my visual quote project! Check them out under the “Academic Examples” tab.
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I have revised and updated my visual quote project! Check them out under the “Academic Examples” tab.
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Richard, I reviewed your visual quotation page and you have done an excellent job on this project. All three concepts are different and all get the point across. The explanation of each concept is very well written. It might be interesting to show a “Before” of the last concept to give the viewer an idea of how much you adjusted from the original.
I need to double check the PDFs with regard to appropriate bleeds, etc. Also, I read the AIGA page and it is also very well done. I will be sending you an email via Blackboard with your grade on the ePortfolio project.
I emailed you the updated PDF with the adjustments for bleed. I also went ahead and added two links to the visual quotation page that show earlier versions of the first and third designs.