
The reason I chose to do a poster compared to a video, or a hand-drawn skit, was because I am more used to posters, as I see them all the time in the subway, and at school so I would be more familiar with them, or how they gain people's attention. Also, I am not a skilled drawer or editor, so I did not want to spend hours drawing and recording a video. The audience I chose originally was everyone above the age of 18. Still, I was informed that I should do something more narrow, so I chose teens/pre-voting age because I felt like this audience would benefit the most from this poster. After all, they use their free speech, and opinions to vote, and make changes in the future. The modes I chose were visual effects, and colorful texts because in this day and age, people prefer seeing something colorful and flashy compared to something bland (Short attention spans). I chose my genre, and free speech, because it is a baseline in my eyes and quintessential to everything else. For example, free speech helps people advocate for their problems, and promote change in many of the issues affecting our society such as gun violence. Originally, I was not sure if I could do a multimodal project, but that was because I did not understand what a multimodal project was, and after learning more I felt confident that I could make something. One limitation I had was space on the poster, and If I do this in the future I will probably make a brochure or something in that regard, and having a partner will also help because having a second opinion especially if they are creative, or have a different perspective can help you create something better.