Blog Entry #1

  • Item 1:  Define adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and provide three examples.


– Adverse childhood experiences are situations, or experiences that have traumatic impacts on children. Three examples of adverse childhood experiences are abuse, neglect, and abandonment.


  • Item 2:  Write a one-paragraph summary for each video.


ACE Video 1 (We can prevent ACEs):

This video discusses adverse childhood experiences, how they affect people, and ways to prevent children from experiencing these problems. For example, the narrator states that he helped one kid through his tough time by hanging out with him and becoming a positive role model. Also, one resource offered by the community was “career workshops” that helped individuals find employment to support their families. The five known strategies for preventing ACEs are, strengthening economic support, changing social norms, quality education, developing parenting skills, and positive intervention.


ACE VIDEO 2 (Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences Video 1 of 2):

This video highlights ways to prevent ACEs and teach these ways to their viewers. For example, one instance that was talked about was patients being under the influence of drugs which led to the neglect of their children under a variety of circumstances. Positive, and negative stress are also key factors that influence the decisions and actions of parents, and children. Adversity and trauma are some of the biggest issues related to bad behavior that develop early on. Also, there are instances where the parents are having more issues than the children themselves, but they do not realize this until an expert does.


ACE VIDEO 3 (Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences Video 2 of 2):

This video starts by talking about the trauma many children experience. For example, some of these traumas include, losing a parent, poverty, community violence, and historical trauma. The ACE study was extremely helpful and highlighted areas where children needed help compared to before the study was created where it was more focused on the physical, and short-term aspects. ACE scores do not account for the severity or frequency of adversities. Still, the data can be expanded to figure out what populations need more help, or expanded to different areas.


  • Item 3:  Explain how ACEs are related to mental health and substance abuse issues in adulthood.


– ACEs are related to mental health and substance abuse issues in adulthood because if a child experiences significant trauma like domestic abuse, or grows up in an environment where everyone is a substance abuser this would influence their actions later in their life.


  • Item 4:  As a health professional, state one thing that can be done to prevent ACEs.


– I’m not a healthcare professional, but one thing that I learned from watching these videos is that being a good role model, and being a positive/active part of someone’s life can help their chances.