Powerpoint Presentation

Okay guys here it is, ive uploaded a link to the powerpoint presentation, let me now your thoughts, comments and suggestions. I feel it may be to long, but wasnt sure what to cut out. I suggest reviewing it under slide show because theres 1 or 2 animations that ive added

Not sure which one to go with, animations are a bit different.



Powerpoint Presentation Due October 9th

Hey Guys & Gals,
I’m putting together the powerpoint presentation Professor Vinokur requested. I need you all to either post your names here or email me them so I could get the spelling correct. Thanks 🙂

Okay, so heres the Powerpoint Slides I put together, if any one has any comments, suggestions or ideas, let me know by Sunday night and i’ll try to incorporate them, otherwise ill go ahead and email this version to Professor Vinokur.

Interhospital Case Study PPT Poster Version