Designer Research: International Graphic Design Master–Jin Daiqiang

Jin Daiqiang, born in Panyu, Guangdong in 1942, is an international graphic design master, founder of the Jin Daiqiang Design Award, and AGI member of the International Graphic Design Alliance. Jin Daiqiang’s works have won numerous awards in China and overseas. He is the first Chinese to be listed in the Who’s Who of Graphic Designers in the World, and the United Kingdom was selected as an outstanding artist and designer of the 20th century. Jin Daiqiang’s artworks are often exhibited overseas, and he has planned and held so many personal exhibitions in the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Finland, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and China. 

Jin Daiqiang emphasizes the professionalism of the designer. He believes that beautiful design is not necessarily good design. The best designs are those suitable for enterprises and products. Jin Daiqiang is the creative director of Jin and Liu Design Consultants. Jin and Liu Design Consultants is a first-class design company in Hong Kong. He has designed packaging for countless companies. The emblem of the Bank of China designed by Jin in the early 1980s is still regarded as a model.

The design of the Bank of China embodies the Chinese characteristics to bring people a simple feeling, but also has a modern atmosphere due to the simplification of graphic elements and shows extremely strong Chinese cultural characteristics. The whole logo is shaped like ancient coins, simplified to form the current bank logo. At the same time, there are many good meanings in this sign. The copper coin hole in the sign and the vertical symmetrical vertical line show that the Chinese word “中” represents China; the overall circular outline of the sign represents the meaning of the earth, meaning the Bank of China It is an international bank facing the world. This design won the American Communication Art (CA) Yearbook Design Award.

Ink painting is regarded as a traditional painting in China, which is a representative of Chinese painting. Therefore, ink painting has a great influence on the Chinese people. Jin Daiqiang advocates integrating the essence of Chinese traditional culture into the concept of Western design. Jin Daiqiang emphasized that this integration is not a simple addition, but a fusion of a profound understanding of Chinese culture.

This is the poster of Jin Daiqiang’s opening exhibition at the East-West Gallery in Germany.

He painted Tai Chi figures with ink and pastel. Half of the ink and pastel have a certain contrast, but emphasized the differences but coordinated to form a whole. Reflects the theme of the fusion of East and West, and injects new ideas into the ancient images.

         The source of creation is Chinese traditional culture. Jin Daiqiang believes that any designer or artist must not forget his roots. Hong Kong is a part of China, and he must find his roots in Chinese culture.

(Beijing 2008 Olympic poster)

In 1997, when Hong Kong returned to China, the famous French silverware Quentin hoped that Mr. Jin Daiqiang specially designed a set of souvenirs to record this historical moment. The idea of the work expresses the meaning of mother and child, heart to heart, holding hands. Borrowing the Buddhist aesthetics to shape two large and one small hand, synthesizing the shape of holding hands, separating the two hands into a beautiful small container. The work is limited to 30 sets in the world, which is extremely valuable for collectors and is very popular among collectors. It was sold out before Hong Kong returned to China in 1997.

Jin Daiqiang’s works use many ink painting as a design element, which later turns into a realistic style. Most of the materials come from Chinese landscapes. His works are a combination of the practicality and artistry of the text and refer to the combination of calligraphy. Which integrates design and art, landscape and calligraphy. From a distance, it is the cursive script font in calligraphy. From a close view, it is the landscape of peaks and turns. Jin Daiqiang said that he has always loved the mountains and the water of nature. As early as 1981, he has traveled to Huangshan to appreciate the clouds and mists of Huangshan. Later, he also went to the snow-capped mountains, Niagara Falls, and the Grand Canyon in Europe. Waiting, he always loves the wonders of nature, landscape, stones and so on. His work does not show a certain mountain clearly, but writes the scene of nature in his heart in the painting, and reflects it in an abstract way.

  Mourning Paul. RAND (1997)

Caring for nature (1989)


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