Technology & E-commerce

A prospective company would likely choose to invest in Qatar because its technology, ecommerce, and e-retailing have all had a positive relationship in recent times. In the real estate business specifically, the Technology Acceptance Model 3, the implementation and progress of new technologies in this industry, have had a “positive direct relationship” in its adoption (Abdallah 2018). The Arab community, including countries like Qatar, are making important strides toward digital marketing as well. Studies show that retailers like Amazon are taking notice and many of these companies are starting to incorporate Arabic in their websites (Singh 2019). One form of digital marketing is SEA (search engine advertising), which on the contrary, so far cannot be tested long term for its impact on sales (Yang, 2022).  Despite struggles in other areas, technology and ecommerce is a growing industry in Qatar and a prospective business would likely be fond of investing.

Qatar and the other countries in the surrounding area, all are trying to adjust to the innovation of technology in the industry of retail and commerce.  There are social media influencers that take advantage of this technology, however they do not promote online commerce websites (Al-Khalaf ,2020).  This is one influence that prevents Qatar from moving forward in mobile commerce specifically.  Qatar is one of the main markets of the Gulf area (Alwan, 2023).  In this market, there is a lack of trust when it comes to the purchasing of second-hand goods.  This can be shown in an official Qatar University quote that states that authenticity and counterfeiting are both issues within the second hand industry (Journal of Engineering, 2022). Despite its efforts, Qatar still has some ways to go in order to become a leader in ecommerce and e-retailing.