Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site

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Agenda for March 22




*Review Quiz 2


*End of Persepolis: shocking things that happen at the end? She moves back because: 


*Watch last 40 minutes



1–Prepare for a short pop quiz on Thursday over pages 270 (“Skiing”) to the end of the book. 

2–Read the Translation Essay Instructions (see Assignments menu tab).


For Thursday:


Compromise (countable and uncountable, plural compromises)

  • (computer security) A breach of a computer or network’s rules such that an unauthorized disclosure or loss of sensitive information may have occurred, or the unauthorized disclosure or loss itself.


Class Information for Thursday, March 17


1–Take Quiz 2

2–Review Exchange concepts

3–Watch 15 minutes of Persepolis

HOMEWORK: Finish reading Persepolis. In your notes, provide an example of how one of our exchange concepts works in the graphic memoir: redemption, sacrifice, revenge,  justice, or forgiveness. Be prepared to read your example in class on Tuesday.


Quiz 2: 30 points

Directions: Answer all four questions using full sentences.


1– (10 points):  Why does the narrator say that Joseph “cries now as he laughs” at the end of Roddy Doyle’s short story “New Boy”? Review pages 82-85.  [approx. 100-120 words]


2– (5 points):  ) Describe two differences between the text version and the film version of the milk scene in “New Boy.” Review pages 75-78. [approx. 50-80 words]


3– (10 points):  Why do Marji’s parents send her to Austria? Review the chapter titled, “The Dowry” (147-157)


4– (5 points):  In the chapter titled “The Vegetable” (192-200), Marji grows and develops as an adult. Late in the chapter, she yells at two girls, informing them about her heritage. Briefly describe the importance of this scene in the café.


Type your answer in an email and send it to me by 3:00. Quizzes sent to me after 3:00 will be penalized. Use the subject line: full name, English2400, Quiz 2

You may hop off the zoom to watch and take the quiz–See you back here at 3.

City Tech Library Has Free Streaming of Persepolis

Hi Class,


The multimedia director of the library (Prof. Tidal) has informed me that we can watch Persepolis on this streaming platform:

Alexander Video Online (AVON) has it streaming here:
Students will need to login with their CUNYfirst credentials to view the film. The library also has a few hard copies of the graphic novel in the stacks.
This version is in French, but if you click on “Transcript” at the center-top of the screen, a scrolling transcript of the dialogue will appear on the right side in English. It works for individual watching, but it won’t work in class because the text is very tiny.
Prof. Scanlan

Class Info for Thursday, March 10

Note: I have to cancel Friday’s office hours due to a schedule conflict. Email any questions.


Here’s our agenda for today:


1–Read first sentences of Study Guide terms

2–Discuss select chapters–think about plot and character development, especially

3–Watch 40 minutes of film

4–Discuss terms and concepts; discuss differences between two narratives

HOMEWORK: Read up to the chapter titled “The Croissant” about page 232.

Class Info for Tuesday, March 8

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


1–Midterm Essay Instructions


2–5 Exchange Concepts: Redemption, Sacrifice, Justice, Revenge, Forgiveness


3–Reading Comics


4–5-part reading tool


5–Favorite chapter


6–Watch first few minutes of Persepolis


HOMEWORK: Due Thursday. Look up the assigned term (see Notepad) and post your definition/explanation to our new category: Persepolis Study Guide. Goal: 150 words minimum (participation points=5). Read up through the chapter titled “The Soup” — page 158.

Class Information for Thursday, March 3

Agenda for Thursday, March 3

—Mention LAF:

—Discuss “New Boy” …especially differences between the two media types.

—How to read comics; see two articles

—Introduction to Persepolis (graphic memoir)

—Homework: Explore the article on how to read comics (see below), then read through the chapter titled “The Key” — up to page 106. Then write Coffeehouse #2: 200 words on which chapter is your favorite so far and why. Be sure to select the category: Coffeehouse #2.

Graphic Novel/Comics

How to Read a Comic Book (

Class Information for Tuesday, March 1



1–Film terms; review camera movement


3–“New Boy” and ways of reading. Share summaries.

4–Watch film and discuss

HOMEWORK due Thursday before class: Read up to page 43 in Satrapi’s Persepolis…to the end of the chapter titled “The Letter.” In your notes,  list and describe the main characters. 

Class Information for Tuesday, Feb 22



1– Summary of “The Yellow Wallpaper”


2–Discuss film interpretations of TYW 


3–Discuss “To Build a Fire”


naturalism, in literature and the visual arts, late 19th- and early 20th-century movement that was inspired by adaptation of the principles and methods of natural science, especially the Darwinian view of nature, to literature and art. In literature it extended the tradition of realism, aiming at an even more faithful, unselective representation of reality, a veritable “slice of life,” presented without moral judgment. Naturalism differed from realism in its assumption of scientific determinism, which led naturalistic authors to emphasize man’s accidental, physiological nature rather than his moral or rational qualities. Individual characters were seen as helpless products of heredity and environment, motivated by strong instinctual drives from within and harassed by social and economic pressures from without. As such, they had little will or responsibility for their fates, and the prognosis for their “cases” was pessimistic at the outset.



HOMEWORK: Prepare for Quiz 1: Watch this short video on film terms [ ] and review terms 13-30–this list is found in the Readings menu tab “48 Useful Film Terms.” Be prepared to watch a short video during class and a take short quiz over film and narrative terms.



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