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Author: Mohamed

My favorite scene from DOTN and how it matches up with the novel by Mohamed Zokari

My favorite scene in the film was when Rosalie gets upset with Poirot and when she storms off with anger. Poirot attempts to apologize and explain for trying to interrogate her but when Rosalie confronts Poirot she suddenly stops as if she has seen a ghost. Louise’s dead body floats through the ship’s cabin. This was a very bone chilling scene as I did not expect that, this helped build a lot of suspense. It made me question who killed Louise and why? I like how the camera slowly zooms to Rosalie’s face with her breathing frantically(good use of mise en scène). When it comes to how this scene matches with Agatha Christie’s novel. Poriot does discover Louise dead but in a different way, they find her dead on the floor in her cabin holding a banknote.

Mohamed Zokari 1-Who is Tim Allerton, and what is his relationship with his mother like?(Chapter 1, Section 8)

Tim Allerton is Joanna’s 2nd cousin and the son of Mrs. Allerton, Christe introduces them while they are in Majorca. Tim says how he is interested to make a visit to Egypt, but his mother is doubtful because she believes that it’s too expensive. Tim and his mother argue about whether the trip to Egypt is a good idea, this makes Tim say he will pay for the expenses of the vacation. Tim begins to talk about how he got a letter from the stock exchange, but his mother knows that the letter is from Joanna because of the handwriting. Mrs. Allerton doesn’t like Joanna much, she doesn’t think that Tim is in love with Joanna but the relationship they have with each other makes Mrs. Allerton uncomfortable and quite annoyed because she feels like Joanna draws Tim’s attention away from her. Tim and his mother have a strong mother and son relationship, as the novel states “he and his mother were such perfect companions that the sight of him absorbed and interested in another woman always startled Mrs Allerton slightly”(Christe Page 36). Clearly, this demonstrates how attached she is to her son and how she gets annoyed and concerned if she sees Tim showing more affection and attention to someone else.

Mohamed Zokari’s Translation Essay Outline

Mohamed Zokari

Translation Essay

ENG 2400 OL65

March 28th, 2022

                                                                                        Translating Roddy Doyle, Envisioning Steph Green 

Introduction(Gist of story and what type of Linda Cahir’s translation)

Roddy Doyle’s “New Boy” is a story about a young boy named Joseph and his experience moving from Africa to Ireland to this entirely different school system, students, and teachers. Since Joseph is a new student in his class, he struggles to fit in with his classmates and finds himself in trouble with two of the boys in his class(Seth and Christian). This story brings us along with Joseph’s timid but resilient character and how he handles being picked on by the other two boys in his class. Steph Green’s film adaption helps translate the story using traditional translation as the film and text overall have the same story, however, there are noticeable details that Green changes in the film version.


Body Paragraph 1(The Five-Part Reading tool)

Talk about the plot and setting of the story in both the film and text versions and depict the differences.

Body Paragraph 2(Concepts of the film version)

Talk about the various film concepts Green uses such as color, diegetic and non-diegetic sound, and transitions. For example for the scenes where Joseph has a flashback talk about the music that was used and how it helped set the mood for the scene.


Body Paragraph 3(Exchange Concepts)

Talk about exchange concepts such as redemption and forgiveness

Redemption: Joseph gets back at Christian by twisting his finger

Forgiveness: Joseph, Seth, and Christian bonding at the end laughing together


Briefly summarize your main thoughts after comparing the text to the film version of the story and explain why the film is a traditional translation of the text version. Make sure to clearly list the similarities and differences the film and text have.

“Iran” by Mohamed Zokari

Iran is a country in the Middle East and is also for a brief period of time was called Persia but was later changed to Iran. The story “The Complete Persepolis” takes place in Iran during the 1980s which is right around the time the Iran and Iraq war starts. Marji’s story details how impactful the war was to her and her family, the first chapter of the story shows the very beginning of the tension build-up which eventually lead to a breakout of the war and the beginning of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. The majority of the people living in Iran are Muslims, as you can see in the story especially in the first chapter “The Veil” there is a conflict between people who support wearing the veil and those who are against wearing the veil. This creates tension within Iran and Iraq which later start to attack each other as you can see in the 11th chapter “The F14s” when Iraq sends bombs to Tehran.

“The Veils” and “The F-14s”-Mohamed Zokari

Reading “The Complete Perespolis” I have two favorite chapters so far which are The Veil and The Sheep. The Veil chapter was a great way to start off the story it shows how the main character Marji’s life dramatically changes when the Islamic revolution takes place and the divided view on the veil and if its a sign of oppression or not. I like how the main character is very spiritual and determined to make a change in not only her and her family’s life but other people’s lives as well, and that is why she wants to become a prophet and that was her destiny.  As the story progresses and war breaks out my other favorite chapter is The F-14s because of how chaotic it got, and it shows how living in a war-torn country destroys innocent people’s lives. For example, in the chapter when Marji is at her dad’s office at work and fighter jets flew by to attack was a surreal moment, Marji was angry, and her father rushed home to check on Marji’s wife. That was a sort of edge on my seat moment, I was eager to see if the mother way okay or not. Also, another reason why this was one of my favorite chapters was because of how I could relate to how war can destroy people’s lives. I’m from Yemen and my family that live in Yemen are terrified because of the civil war that is happening there and I’m sure that they can relate to Marji and her father when they heard the explosion from the jet attacks.

“To Build a Fire” Mohamed Zokari

After I finished reading “To Build a Fire” I was quite shocked and disappointed to see the man’s fate and how the story ended. However, I did still enjoy the story, the plot, and the climax. I like how the story begins as this man making a journey alone in harsh weather conditions, but things take a turn for the worse. I felt like the man was too confident and cocky when he didn’t take the old man’s sincere advice in thinking he wasn’t going to run into trouble while traveling in freezing snowy weather. The man underestimated how bad the weather was which is astonishing to even think about because the weather is -50 degrees. Any person with the right mindset wouldn’t take that risky trip only if they had no other option. And on top of all that the only companion he has is his wolf, he doesn’t have another person to watch his back in case something bad happens which it does. But then again who in the right mind would agree to go on a dangerous trip like that. Moving on, as the story progresses, harsh reality comes to play for the man. The man is confident he’ll be okay and thinks it’s not that bad until he stumbles into freezing water while he has this fire pit, he struggles to stay warm as his feet and toes begin to feel numb. The man comes to the realization that if he doesn’t unumb his hands and get himself out of the freezing water he will freeze to death. However, as he is successfully doing so, a bulk of snow falls onto him, and he freezes to death. He tried to stay alive by killing the dog and putting his hands inside the dog to stay warm but failed. This story has kept me on the edge of my seat reading it as I hoped the man would end up surviving and learning a very valuable lesson to not underestimate or be overly confident when others’ are warning you.