Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site

Author: Isiah

The Letter

When first exposed to ā€œThe Complete Persepolisā€ by Marjane Satrapi, Marjiā€™s way of thinking about the world around her is shown. She has a lot of ideas, and conviction within her that was brought about by the things she has witnessed. For example, in earlier chapters such as ā€œThe Veilā€, the confusion about why they have to wear their veils is shown amongst all the kids around her. Marji can seemingly pick this apart and see it on a higher level of understanding compared to the others. Leading up to ā€œThe Letterā€, Marjane and her mother were worried about whether her father was going to return from taking pictures at the protests. He had been taking much longer than usual, and was not home at their expected time. In this moment, it was sort of a wake up call to Marji. Fortunately, her father returned and was not harmed in any way. In ā€œThe Letterā€, it was around that point that Marji began to be more aware of things that she hadnā€™t thought too much about. While reading more books, by an author such as Ali Ashraf Darvishian, she realized the work that others had to go through due to their social class. Such as kids cleaning windows at the age of 3. This was further reinforced with her relationship to Mehri, as she thought about how she had to take care of her from an age such as 10 years old. I believe that this is a very important chapter because it starts to bring the things that Marji was talking about closer to her. Ironically, as she became more aware of these things, she still ended up going to a protest with Mehri even though many others had lost their lives in this. It was a symbolic notion as it displayed Mehri and her being equals despite their social class, but also an allude to her outlandish behavior. In a way, it showcased the dangerousness of knowledge as well how it can impact oneā€™s empathy.


Medes were an ancient Iranian people, they spoke Median and lived in Media, which was northwest Iran. A great portion of their history is missing as there was no written source left. The most that is understood about them comes from foreign sources such as the Assyrians, Babylonians, Armenians, and Greeks. It is suggested that the Median empire was a very strong kingdom that competed with Babylonia. The Medes founded the first Iranian nation in the seventh century B.C, but it ended up being destroyed by Cyrus the Great, who then went on to establish the Persian empire. Persia is the Greek name. Iranians are descendants of the Medes and the Persians.