1–Take Quiz 2
2–Review Exchange concepts
3–Watch 15 minutes of Persepolis
HOMEWORK: Finish reading Persepolis. In your notes, provide an example of how one of our exchange concepts works in the graphic memoir: redemption, sacrifice, revenge, justice, or forgiveness. Be prepared to read your example in class on Tuesday.
Quiz 2: 30 points
Directions: Answer all four questions using full sentences.
1– (10 points): Why does the narrator say that Joseph “cries now as he laughs” at the end of Roddy Doyle’s short story “New Boy”? Review pages 82-85. [approx. 100-120 words]
2– (5 points): ) Describe two differences between the text version and the film version of the milk scene in “New Boy.” Review pages 75-78. [approx. 50-80 words]
3– (10 points): Why do Marji’s parents send her to Austria? Review the chapter titled, “The Dowry” (147-157)
4– (5 points): In the chapter titled “The Vegetable” (192-200), Marji grows and develops as an adult. Late in the chapter, she yells at two girls, informing them about her heritage. Briefly describe the importance of this scene in the café.
Type your answer in an email and send it to me by 3:00. Quizzes sent to me after 3:00 will be penalized. Use the subject line: full name, English2400, Quiz 2
You may hop off the zoom to watch and take the quiz–See you back here at 3.
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