Hi Class,

Good reflections on Rear Window. Hope you are digging this classic 1954 film.


1–Post a 50 word mini-review of a recent film or reading that you liked on our “Favorites” menu tab. See my example, which is already up. Make sure to select the Category “Favorites” so that it is posted to the correct place. 

2–How does tension work in “It Had to Be Murder” and Rear Window? For example, through lighting changes, through close ups, through sounds? Be specific. Right down at least two ideas in your notebooks. I will ask you to read your answer in class.

3–Reread the last five pages of Woolrich’s story (27-32) so that we can compare it to the film’s ending.

4–Read the assignment details for the Translation Essay–which you can find in the  “Assignments” menu tab.



Prof. Scanlan