I was supposed to go on a cruise in March and travel to Miami and California but of course, COVID happened, so everything got shut down. I spent every day cooking recipes that I found on Tik Tok and spending money on Amazon after watching Tik Tok reviews. Spending time at home during isolation was beneficial because it made me cook more, spend time with family more, and made me do a good deep house cleaning. I also enjoyed being in the house until May came, and I was over it all and to wear a mask every time you go outside, despite the extreme heat and humidity. It was annoying.


I liked “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Yellow Wallpaper.” The Tell-Tale Heart gave you eerie, some-what unpredictable turning points, and vivid imagining. The evil eye of the old man was such a problem to the narrator that the only way to relieve his problem was to kill the man. The way the narrator described how many times he just looked at the old man whenever he opened the door to how he plotted his murder continued to be more dramatic and gave you a vivid picture while reading. The Yellow Wallpaper was relatable and made you feel sympathetic as well as gives you a vivid imagination whenever she describes the room and how it affects her emotions and thoughts. It seems that the narrator is going through postpartum anxiety and only she will understand how exhausting and depressing it makes her feel. The husband seems passive-aggressive towards her feelings and made her feel less than. He keeps bringing up his job as physican, which was irrelevant. When reading both stories, the year I’m imagining that it took place in the 1800s and 1900s, due to its vintage word-play when describing a feeling that they feel.