Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site

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Class Information for Monday, Oct 3

Hi Class,


NOTE: We do not have class on Wednesday, Oct 5 or Monday, Oct 10.


1–In order to prepare to write the midterm essay, we need to study our 5 exchange concepts and get further into Persepolis.

***5 Exchange terms: redemption, sacrifice, revenge, justice, forgiveness. 


2–Film Term review and observe terms in action, especially lighting, focus, movement.


3–Persepolis: discuss Marjane and context of Iran in the 1970s.


Homework due Wednesday, Oct 12: Read Chapters 2-20 (up to page 155). Then write Coffeehouse #2: 200 words on which is your favorite chapter and why. Post to the category: Coffeehouse #2

Class Info for Wednesday, Sept 21

–Schedule changes




–Liza’s film of terms

–Quiz 1

–180 degree rule

–New Boy: review “Milk” chapter and scene from film

HOMEWORK FOR WEDNESDAY, SEPT 28:  Read “To Build a Fire” by Jack London and write in your notebooks about character and description. Please be prepared to read your paragraph in class (approx 100-200 words)

Class Info for Wednesday, Sept 14


–How to post to OpenLab.

–Review three things learned from watching Pena clips on Mise en Scene; then discuss in the class

–Film Terms: Read first ten watch Lisa’s Video; then re-watch Owl Creek Bridge and discuss techniques



–Read “New Boy” by Doyle, then write a 300 word reflection of the story as Coffeehouse #1 in OpenLab. It may be helpful to consider the main characters and whether or not they change during the story. Make sure to be logged in and joined to our class before writing the post. Due by class time on Monday.

Class Info for Monday, Sept 12


–Film Definition

–Focus on Poe’s text, then watch the versions

–Discuss the three parts of Bierce’s text, then watch the film. What is different?


Homework for Wednesday 9-14: Watch 6 short films on Mise en Scene from Columbia Univ. Film Glossary and in your notebooks write down three things you learned. Wednesday will be particpation points day, so please be ready to speak.

Class information for Wednesday, Sept 7

Here’s today’s agenda:


1–Attendance and email homework check (students can still turn this in for some credit)

2–Discuss stories and films by Hughes and Poe

3-Definitions of Film and Translation


Homework due Wednesday, Sept 12:

1–Read “An Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge” by Bierce. Then, in your notebook, describe the 5-part reading tool as it applies to this story. About 1-2 sentences each should be enough. There is nothing to turn in–this homework is meant to generate discussion.

Class Information for Wednesday, Aug 31

Hi Class,


***Please note that we do not have class on Monday, September 5 (Labor Day)


Here’s today’s agenda:


1–Attendance and questionnaire check

2–OpenLab membership and joining issues

3–Discuss “Healthy Start” — see questions from previous post

4–Watch adaptation of “Healthy Start” and note key differences


Homework due Wednesday, Sept 7:

1–Read “Thank you, Ma’am” by Hughes

2–Read “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Poe

3–Formal Email Assignment: Write an email to me in you discuss your favorite story so far: HS, TYM, or TTTH. The email must include these five items:

Use of City Tech email address; a clear subject line, a greeting, a body, and a signature. The body of the email should be approximately 200 words.


Best wishes,

Prof. Scanlan



Dear ENG2400 Students:

Greetings, and welcome to ENG2400: Film from Literature. I am your instructor, Prof. Sean Scanlan, and I look forward to working with you this semester.

Our first class is Monday, August 29 from 2:30-3:45. I want to let you all know some important information about our online course:


1–Our class is IN-PERSON. This which means that we have set meeting days and times, and all students are expected to attend every class.

2–We meet each class from 2:30 to 3:45pm in Namm 602A.

3–I will take attendance for each class, so please try to be on time.

4–Please note that my email is (please use your City Tech email to contact me).




HOMEWORK: These two tasks are due before class on Wednesday, August 31 

1–Sign up for OpenLab and join my class (I’ll provide directions on Monday’s class)

2–Please fill out the First Week Questionnaire — see below.

3–Read the short story “Healthy Start” by Etgar Keret. This story, and our other readings, is in the Readings menu tab. Scroll to the bottom to find the story. And in your notes (either a physical notebook or on your digital device) write down: main characters, setting, narration style (first, second, or third person), basic plot (what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of the story), the main messages, and…did you like this essay?–Why or why not? Students will not turn in this homework; it is meant for discussion.


Best wishes,

Prof. Scanlan



First Week Questionnaire for ENG2400

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