Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site

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Class Info for Wed, Nov 9


1–Discuss Monday’s homework questions.

2–Are arranged marriages ethical?

3–Introduce Five Types of Ethics (for final essay):


4–Watch ToS (finish?)


Key question: what are the various strategies that Petruchio puts into play in terms of wooing and taming Katherine?

HOMEWORK FOR MONDAY, NOV 14: In your notes, answer these two questions:

1–Which of Baptista’s daughters has the best match at the end of the play?

2–Wo seems happiest at the end? Why?

Class Info for Monday, Nov 7


–Pop quiz

–Watch Zeffirelli version of Taming of Shrew; pay attention to tension and how it is created

HOMEWORK due Wednesday: read Act 4.  Answer these two questions in your notebook:

1–Read over the last lines of Act 4, scene 1: how does Petruchio intend to tame Katherine?

2–What trick do Petruchio and Katherine play on Vincentio in scene 5?

Class Info for Wednesday, Nov 2

Hi Class,


–New Concept: How is Tension created in narrative and film? Discuss–

–Answer 4 homework questions (participation points)

–Finish watching induction and watch beginning of act 1 (theater version)

–Begin watching Zeffirelli Film version

HOMEWORK for Monday, Nov 7. Read Acts II and III. Then, in your notebooks, answer the following questions:

1–Why do you think Katherina is so angry with Bianca? Lines 25-40, Act II.

2–What will Baptista give to Petruchio as part of the Dowry–if they marry? Lines 120-140, Act II.

3–Why does Baptista give his blessing to Petruchio? Lines 310-340, Act II.

4–Why does Petruchio wear such odd clothes for the wedding? Lines115-140, Act III.

5–Is it strange that Petruchio wants to leave immediately after the wedding? Consider possible reasons why he wants to leave with his new bride. Lines 180-210, Act III.

Class Information for Monday, Oct 31

Hi Class,

I’m sorry that I had to cancel class on Wednesday.

**Note: I’ve updated/posted mid-semester grades on Blackboard.


Agenda for Monday:

New Terms:

1–Focalizer: This term is similar to the narrator, but with a slight difference. The Focalizer is the person/narrator who does the seeing or visualizing of a scene. For example, the Focalizer might inside a scene, doing the looking:

“I saw the old man, and his nose disturbed me.” The narrator, the “I,” sees the old man’s nose.

But notice:

“I remember that Bart told me that was very disturbed by the old man’s nose. He said that he couldn’t stand to look at it for a minute or he would run away.”  The narrator here is the “I.” And the focalizer is Bart…Bart is the person who sees the old man’s nose.

2–Focal Target: The object, person, or scene that is being viewed or visualized. [Think of a person shooting video and what that person is filming; the person looking through the viewfinder is the Focalizer and the scene (possibley a pink groundhog) is the Focal Target]


–Turn in the Mid-term essay in class. Please make sure to show up to class with your essay printed and proofread.

–Introduction to Shakespeare and The Taming of the Shrew.

Homework for Wednesday: Read Act 1 and answer the following questions in your notebook for discussion:

1–What does Baptista say to Gremio and Hortensio about marrying his daughters? [Act 1, Sc 1]

2–What is Hortensio’s plan that will enable the two scheming characters to attempt to court Bianca? [Act 1, Sc 1]

3–What is Lucentio’s and Tranio’s plot to court Bianca? [Act 1, Sc 1]

4–Describe Petruchio, his station, and his goal? [Act 1, Sc 2]



Prof. Scanlan

Class Info for Monday, Oct 24

NOTE: The final draft of the translation essay is due at the beginning of class on Monday, Oct 31. 

Hi Class,

Today we will:

1–Freewrite on any issues we are having with the Translation Essay

2–Discussion: What makes a good essay?

3–One-on-one help

4–New Text: The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare.


HOMEWORK due Wednesday, Oct 26: read Synopsis and Induction from our free version of the text (in the Readings menu tab). Bring two questions to class (this will not be graded).

Class Info for Wednesday, Oct 19


My premonition was correct, Marjane Satrapi has commented on the recent protests in Iran:



Hi Class,

Today we will:


–Finish watching Persepolis and address some translation questions

–Review the Midterm Essay instructions, especially the thesis and method

–Student example review

NOTE: Thesis blueprint:  While X, I think Y.

Method statement: In order to prove this (my thesis), I will compare X,  then I will review the differences between Y, and finally I will examine how both version deal with Z.


HOMEWORK for Monday, Oct 24: write and post an outline/draft of the essay to OpenLab–Category–“Draft of Translation Essay.” Make sure to study the essay instructions and the student sample before writing this essay.

Class Information for Monday, Oct 17

**Note: I’m changing the due dates for the Midterm Essay–we do not have an outline due on Wednesday.


–Discuss Marji’e growing pains (mental and physical)


–Changes to schedule and Essay due dates

–If time: antihero.


HOMEWORK FOR THURSDAY: Read up to page 294 in Persepolis. Come prepared to discuss which text/film pairing you will select for the Midterm Essay and why. 


Class Information for Wednesday, Oct 12

Hi Class,

Sorry that I spent so much time getting the film to work.



Homework for Monday, Oct 17:

1–In Persepolis, read pages 158 – 200. Hopefully, you will recognize the scene in the cafe where Marji explodes.

2–Please write down three questions in your notebooks about the reading in order to get the conversation going (not graded).

3–Read the essay instructions carefully and bring any questions to class.



Prof. Scanlan

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