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Self Interest v Rules

Teresa Lopez Ramos 

ENG 2001

Professor Sean Scanlan 

December 14, 2020

            Ethics is defined as a set of moral principles, especially one relating to or affirming a specified group, field or form of conduct. In other words, ethics help us assess what is good or bad and how they also assess our choices, behavior, who we are, etc. What we have learned this semester is that there are five different types of ethics, Deontology ethics (rules that guide and assess our choices of what we should do), Virtue ethics (what sort of person should I be and how should I live), Utilitarian ethics (morally right action is the action that produces the most good), Feminist ethics (to revise, reformulate, rethink traditional ethics to the extent it devalues women’s moral experience), and global ethics (addressing ethical questions and problems emerged of global interconnection and interdependence of the world’s population). In “A Good Fall” written by Ha Jin; helps us answer the question of “Does a character (or characters) act to help others or herself or nobody?” “Does a character follow a strict set of rules or break away from established rules?” “What forces are acting upon a character to act/react in a certain way?”, when we met characters like Ganchin and Master Zong. 

“A Good Fall” written by Ha Jin happens to be one of my favorite stories not because it is easy to understand this story; but its plot is in comparison to today’s society towards immigrants. The story details of a man Ganchin, a Chinese immigrant monk who works for Master Zong. Master Zong also a monk who defy’s the monks disciplinary code by having a midnight blue BMW, and has a house in Syosset with a woman and a baby. As Ganchin collapses when teaching his Kung Fu class due to his unnamed illness and which results in days of missing work which doesn’t go unnoticed. Master Zong fires  Ganchin due to the excuse of not being to renew Ganchin visa and as well not paying him the fifteen hundred dollars a month salary that was included in the contract. Leaving him with no money that he was promised from the temple, no passport, no visa, and house; Ganchin is left stressed out. Ganchin tries to survive in New York by living with an acquaintance Fanku and tries to ask him for a loan however it doesn’t go well due to Fanku has his own financial stress. Ganchin goes back to the temple to negotiate with Master Zong; Master Zong repeats himself by saying that the temple doesn’t owe Ganchin anything and threatening him to go back to China. Ganchin ends up kidnapped and forced to board a plane back home; making Ganchin run away to Flushing, Queens. He ends up at Teng’s Garden, being helped by a man who convinces Ganchin be positive and also fed him a hot meal. Even though Ganchin finds a good man who helps him without a need to be given a thank you, Ganchin does try to commit suicide. Ganchin’s suicide attempt became news in the Chinese communities throughout the country and reported by small new organizations; many charities help Ganchin by paying his medical bills, Teng’s Garden getting some recognition, Gaolin Temple now being know for exploiting their young monks and pocketing their salaries. Ganchin as well decides to get help from attorney to become a permanent resident; however the attorney tells him his options are to apply for political asylum or marry a citizen/legal resident. At the end, Ganchin makes a realization that he can no longer become a monk and become a private citizen. This story  embodies the very definition of globalization; referring to the multidimensional and uneven intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space. Like there are five types of ethics; there are also four major forms of globalization. In “A Good Fall” – the story presents the first social form embodied globalization, which involves the movement of people across our planet (contemporary movement of refugees, migrants, travelers, entrepreneurs, temporary workers, tourists, etc.) when Master Zong (head of Gaolin Temple) and the missionary that Ganchin is involved with to help him come to the United States. As well as the second form disembodied globalization, characterized by the extension of social relations through the movement of immaterial things and processes (words, images, text, crypto-currencies).

 The most important decision of this story is in the beginning of the story. Master Zong (head of Gaolin Temple)  fires Ganchin due to the temple’s inability acquiring his visa; Ganchin is surprised that before his contract ends he is fired. What is more surprising to Ganchin is once he asks for his agreed salary of fifteen hundred dollars a month between himself and the temple it is denied. Master Zong tells Ganchin “We’ve provided lodging and board for you. This is New York, where everything’s expensive. As a matter of fact we paid you a lot more than fifteen hundred a month.” (Jin 345). The Gaolin Temple is an organization and institution (organization-extended globalization); the work that they are doing is bringing monks from China to work and spread the message of the temple to New York City. Master Zong, a head monk of this institution; his decision is based on utilitarian ethics that he follows. Defined as morally right actions that produces the most good ( right actions makes the most good). Master Zong helped this young monk come to this country; provisions of food, a room, and a job so Ganchin would be able to send money back to his family- an example of right actions helping a young immigrant to his feet. The positive end at the time was Ganchin worked, helped Master Zong during Kung Fu classes to spread their religion towards members of the Chinese community in New York City. Another example of utilitarian ethics in this story “I can’t let you have your papers if you stay on illegally. From now on you’re on your own, and you must move tomorrow. I don’t care where you go. Your visa has expired and you’re already an illegal alien, a lawbreaker.”(Jin 345).  Ganchin visa is expired, Master Zong has no choice to fire him. His right action is to fire him which will create positive ends of not being known for hitting immigrants. Even though Master Zong; takes advantage of his workers, lives like a CEO, and threatens those who don’t follow simple directions – his ethics of right actions produces the most good for his own self interest.  

The second important decision of this story in when Ganchin tires commits suicide. Ganchin ran away from Master Zong and his men from the airport and finds himself back in Flushing in Teng’s Garden. A man who owns Teng’S Garden gives Ganchin a meal and advice to continue living. Ganchin continues to commit suicide and once he does he ends up with a lot of pain. Ganchin’s suicide attempt became news in the Chinese communities throughout the country and reported by small new organizations; many charities helps Ganchin by paying his medical bills, Teng’s Garden getting some recognition, Gaolin Temple now being know for exploiting their young monks and pocketing their salaries. Ganchin as well decides to get help from attorney to become a permanent resident; “Now there’ll be ways for you to avoid deportation- you can apply for political asylum, or marry a citizen or a legal resident. You know, you’ll be rich, bit no filthy rich like a millionaire who doesn’t have to work.” “I guess I’m not a monk anymore, and no temple will ever take me in.” “That also means you’re free to date a girl.” Cindy giggle “Well, I hope that’s something I can learn.” Ganchin gazed at her and smiled (Jin 357). At the end of the story, Ganchin changes his ethics from deontology to utilitarian. Utilitarian, again is right actions makes the most good.  At the final scene of this story, he now realizes that he can no longer be a monk and is free to make his own decision without breaking rules that were placed upon him due to his religion. His good/moral action is to get married to U.S. Citizen so he can no longer  be at risk to be deported and his perfect end or in which benefits him the most is that he is able to learn to fall in love.Ganchin followed the example of deontology ethics  â€œIf worse comes to worst, you should consider marrying a woman, a U.S. citizen.” She snickered, gazing at his lean face, her big eyes warm and brave. But he said, “I’m a monk and can’t think of anything like that.” Ganchin follows deontology ethics; defined as domain of rules that guide and asses our choices of what we ought do. Due to his religion, he was the prefect monk; had no money (they are not allowed to have money), not and never in love, doesn’t not ask for help but given and etc. Cindy a young woman who clearly is interested in him. He ignores this type of demonstration due to his inability of getting married because of his religious standing, though at the end of the story he decides to give this type of relationship a go.

The story clearly shows a clear representation of utilitarian ethics; although Ganchin is clear representation of a man who follows the rules as a guide of what he does in his life and Master Zong a self interest man who chose what was right. This story depicts how sometimes certain circumstances will make us self-interest people. 

Work Citied

Jin, H. (2009). A Good Fall. Retrieved December 14, 2020, from

Scanlan, S. (2020). Five-Type-of-Ethics. Retrieved December 14, 2020, from

Steger, M. (2020). Https:// Retrieved December 14, 2020, from

Final Class and Exam Information

Hi Class,

Today (12/9) was our last class! Thank you for sticking with me during this tough semester. I hope that you learned a lot and even found some ideas to take with you into the future.


End of Semester Information:


Final Essay Deadline: Monday, Dec 14 Midnight!!!!

Method: post to OpenLab (Category: Final Essay)

Helpful tip: read over the student example on OpenLab, use Purdue Owl for help with quotations and Works Cited. See my Proofreading Advice at the end of this post.



Final Exam Deadline: Wednesday, Dec 16 Midnight!!!

NOTE: I will post the Final Exam to OpenLab by 5pm on Friday.

Method: Use a spell/grammar check and send to me via City Tech email.

NOTE: Make sure to type a clear subject line: Full name, ENG2001 Final Exam


Late work: deadline is Monday, Dec 14 Midnight!!!


** SET—student evaluation of teaching? Please fill out this form (it was sent to your City Tech Email)

** Missing work: email me ASAP

** I will have office hours this week and next.



Exam Review: the exam will consist of three sections. First section: short definition and example. Second Section: Quotation Identification. Third Section: brief essay. The exam is designed to take roughly 1:15 to complete, but take the time that you need. Make sure to proofread, revise, and spell/grammar check before emailing your exam to me. You may use your notes and the website while writing the exam.




– 5 part reading tool

– SOP—“The Black Cat,” Edgar Allen Poe

– Todorov

– Central Gothic Irony: in our definition handout, see Lloyd-Smith (5).

– Gothic Emotions, Gothic Actions, Gothic Hallmarks, Gothic Elements

– Global Fiction—Globalization, review the chapter on Globalization by Manfred Steger

– Modernist Fiction—Modernism

– Ethics-5 types




– “The Veldt”

– “The Enormous Radio”

– “A Rose for Emily”

– “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings”

– “Sonny’s Blues”

– “Say Hell, Wave Goodbye”

– “A Good Fall”

– “The Interpreter of Maladies”

– “Assimilation”

– “A Very Short Story”

– “Tender Buttons”

– “The Lottery”


How to punctuate titles and quotations:

  • At the end of his story “Assimilation,” by E.L. Doctorow, the main characters Jelena and Ramon decide to run away.
  • At the end of “Assimilation,” Leon, Ramon’s brother, says “Let the war begin.”
  • Ramon says three things about Jelena, who he says is “beautiful”: she is “shy,” “mean,” and “great.”


Revising and Proofreading Advice:

  1. Offer to trade essays with a classmate.
  2. Read the essay out loud. Enunciate each word. If something is wrong, the ear usually picks it up.
  3. Read “backwards.” This is a technique used by professional editors and proofreaders: starting at the end of your essay, read each sentence in reverse order (don’t read the words in reverse order).
  4. Revise each topic sentence to reveal exactly what the paragraph is trying to claim/assert.
  5. Replace all weak verbs to strong verbs; change passive verbs to active verbs.
  6. Make sure that topic sentences are aligned with the thesis. Do they help support the overall thesis? They should.
  7. Make sure that the thesis, topic sentences, and conclusion speak to each other–that they are linked. Revise as needed.
  8. Make sure that commas are inside the quotations.
  9. Make sure to use grammar check and spell check. Set the grammar check in MS Word to “formal.”


Stay healthy and best wishes to all!


Prof. Scanlan

Homework and Info for Wednesday, Dec 9

Hi Class,

Thanks for joining class today; I hope I provided some guidance on how to finish your essay.


*Please remember to fill out the SETs (Student Evaluation of Teaching) that were sent to your City Tech email.

*All late work/missing work is due on Monday, Dec 14 at midnight. Email me if you have questions.

*The final essay deadline is Dec 14 at midnight (post to OpenLab)


Homework for Wednesday (last class):

Bring your notes for a final exam review. Also, bring in any questions about your final essay.



Prof. Scanlan

Coffeehouse #5 Vargas Angela

One of my favorite stories from the list is “Say Hello wave Goodbye” by Tony Parson. The story is based on a immigration officer who explains her everyday life as a duana officer. The main character in the story is Jaswinder Smith. She works for an UK airport and has to ask frequent questions to passengers traveling to the UK. If for some reason the questions don’t match she has to make a decision of returning the passenger to their homeland. There’s different characters. Another one is “the woman with the bride dress” this character story is kinda odd since she traveled all the way to the UK from Korea to marry Prince Harry. Of course it wasn’t true but because she believed it and all the questionnaires she answered were correct with no issues Jazz allowed her to enter the country. One of the main actions the character takes is to allow the korean lady enter the country because what if that person had bad intentions and not trying to marry the Prince. Then Jazz would’ve put everyone in danger. Another interest scene was when Jaswinder and Ken, a UKBA officer, were checking a fake passport. This scene was pretty interesting for me since it shows how careful they must be when looking at passports and the details that make the passport fake or real.
Another story that is my favorite is “Assimilation” By E.L. Doctorow this story is based on a woman marrying a man to stay in the United States but fell in love with each other. The story has many characters but one of the main characters is Ramon. Ramon is a dishwasher for a restaurant. The owner had asked Ramon to marry his niece for papers and he would be paid $1000 for it. One scene from the story that was kinda funny was when Ramon first met Jelena in the kitchen and he said this is not what they show me. The picture that Roman saw of Jelena was a blonde smiling girl and there she was smoking in the restaurant and looking completely different from the photo. Ramon ethics are seen throughout the story in one scene Jelena asks him to smack her since she was behaving badly and Ramon didn’t because it was wrong and unnecessary.

Homework for Monday, Dec 7

Hi Class,

I was encouraged by everyone’s ability to identify key scenes in their chosen stories. I have a good feeling that you are all on the right track.


Here is the quotation example the we went over today:


A student wants to convey the following information:

• Leon = most interesting of the main characters

• Story title, author, where published

•Quote: “Snatched from under their foreign eyes […] I should have known” from page 12

• Why important: shows he underestimated his brother and also seems proud


The plan:

The first sentence will introduce the character, then the story details, and then the quote. The second sentence will say why this quote is so important.


Final Result:

Leon, the most interesting of the main characters in the short story “Assimilation,” by E.L. Doctorow, published in The New Yorker in 2010, indicates that Ramon has saved Jelena when he says she was “Snatched from under their foreign eyes […] I should have known” (12). This is so important because it shows Leon underestimated his brother and yet, at the same time, he seems proud of him.

**Note: this example is not perfect, and it assumes that the story and author has not yet been stated. It is more common to have already stated these details. See the Student Example for how this might look.



Review the Final Essay Student Example found in the Readings menu tab. Then write your own first page that includes an original title, a clear introduction, a specific thesis, and a method. Be prepared to read your first page in class on Monday.


Best wishes,

Prof. Scanlan

Homework for Wednesday, Dec 2

Hi Class,


Great discussion today. I could tell that everybody read the two stories. Maximum participation points were attained by all!


For Wednesday:

1–Reread the handout on Five Types of Ethics.

2–Write a 300-word Coffeehouse post for Wednesday that asks you to revise/expand this morning’s freewrite. The questions to address are:

• What is your favorite story and why?

• Who are the main characters in this story and what major decisions do they make? • What are two important scenes in which characters act or speak?

• Although we did not address this question this morning specifically, write down the types of ethics that the main characters seem to follow–this can be more than one type.

**Please post your Coffeehouse to the category “Coffeehouse #5”


The more you can write down for this Coffeehouse, the better positioned you will be to finish the final essay on a strong note.


Prof. Scanlan

Homework for Monday, Nov 30

Hi Class,


For next Monday:

1–Read the final two stories: “Say Hello, Wave Goodbye, ” by Parsons and “Assimilation” by Doctorow.

2–Complete Quiz 3 (the form is on the right sidebar).


**Note: Coffeehouse #5 will be due December 2.


Prof. Scanlan

Homework for Monday, November 23

Hi Class,

Thanks for the contributions today.

For Monday: Read “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri

In your notes, answer these questions:

1—Who is Mr. Kapasi, and what is he like?

2—Describe Mr. and Mrs. Das. Why are they in India?

3—How do they act toward their children?

4—Why is Mrs. Das interested in Mr. Kapasi’s other job?

5—What is the malady that she wants him to interpret?

6—What happens to Bobby at the hills?

7—What do you think will happen to the Das family in the future?

8—What is the importance of photography/photographs in the story?

9—What sort of ethics do the three adults seem to follow?

10—Describe how the four forms of globalization are at work.


Best wishes,

Prof. Scanlan

Homework for Wednesday, Nov 18

****Note: If you need to turn in any work this semester, no matter how late, please email me so we can set up a timeline for submission.



Homework for Wednesday: Review Steger and Jin, then answer these questions:


1–What is the definition of these four Social Forms of globalization:

a–Embodied Globalization:

b–Disembodied Globalization:

c–Object-Extended Globalization:

d–Organization-Extended Globalization:


2–What four distinct qualities does each social form of globalization possess?






3–What is the parable of the elephant and why is it important?


4–What are Steger’s short and very short definitions of globalization?


Questions related to “A Good Fall”:

1–Why is Ganchin in NYC?

2–Does this story exhibit any modernist or gothic characteristics?

3–Does this story contain forms or qualities of globalization? What are they?

4–What types of ethics are at work? Does Ganchin exhibit a different type of ethics from Zong? Cindy?



Prof. Scanlan

Homework for Monday, Nov 16

Hi Class,

Thanks for your contributions today. Those were great quotes.

For Monday:

1–Read Manfred Steger’s definition of globalization (in Readings)

2–Read “A Good Fall” by Ha Jin (in Readings)

3–Write down at least one question about either of these readings.



Prof. Scanlan

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