Hi Class,


Great discussion today. I could tell that everybody read the two stories. Maximum participation points were attained by all!


For Wednesday:

1–Reread the handout on Five Types of Ethics.

2–Write a 300-word Coffeehouse post for Wednesday that asks you to revise/expand this morning’s freewrite. The questions to address are:

• What is your favorite story and why?

• Who are the main characters in this story and what major decisions do they make? • What are two important scenes in which characters act or speak?

• Although we did not address this question this morning specifically, write down the types of ethics that the main characters seem to follow–this can be more than one type.

**Please post your Coffeehouse to the category “Coffeehouse #5”


The more you can write down for this Coffeehouse, the better positioned you will be to finish the final essay on a strong note.


Prof. Scanlan