Author: aiden

Final Essay

Aiden Rivera 

ENG 2001 O525 


What I Want or What’s right? 

Here I’m going to explain the ethical decisions made in ā€œInterpreter of Maladiesā€ by Jhumpa Lahiri. The two characters that make these decisions are Mr.Kapasi and Mrs.Das. The most important form of ethics that is shown in this story is Utilitarian ethics. A utilitarian is someone who believes something is morally correct as long as the end result is positive. The process doesn’t matter, everything before the end does not impact the decision on something being morally correct, only the ending proves if it’s moral or not thus showing the self-interest of a utilitarian. Mr.Kapasi is the guide for the Das family. He takes them to different sites to show them a good time. While taking the family around he notices unspoken tension in the family while also getting an attraction to the wife Mrs.Das. He assumes there’s a distress in the marriage and begins making more assumptions. Because of his newly grown feelings towards Mrs.Das he is put into a decision. Does he share his feelings disrupting the already broken marriage, possibly making it better, or does he stay quiet and let the marriage crumble and resolve itself.  

With Mr.Kapasi’s tough choice he must decide what to do because after this encounter, he may never see this family again. Does he show his feelings towards Mrs.Das or not and does Mrs.Das try to resolve this tension in the family that Mr.Kapasi obviously notices. First, I will look at Mr.Kapasiā€™s unspoken feelings towards Mrs.Das, then I will explore how Mrs.Das plans on resolving the tension of her family, finally I will discuss what ethics both characters follow in the both the scenes these moments occur. By the end you should have a clear understanding of the ethics both Mr.Kapasi and Mrs.Das follow, being utilitarian ethics.  

In the first scene let’s discuss Mr.Kapasiā€™s daydreams. In the story Mr.Kapasi has a scene where he reminisces on a secret life between him and Mrs.Das. In his thoughts Mrs.Das and him become pen pals. She writes about how bad her marriage is and he does the same, including stories about his work. He dreamt that their friendship would grow and flourish until it became more:  

ā€œShe would write to him, asking about his days interpreting at the doctorā€™s office, and he would respond eloquently, choosing only the most entertaining anecdotes, one that would make her laugh out loud as she read them in her house in New Jersey. In time she would reveal the disappointment of her marriage, and he his. In this way their friendship would grow, and flourish.ā€ (Lahiri 53). 

These thoughts began because of Mrs.Das interest in Mr.Kapasiā€™s old job at the doctor’s office. He wasn’t used to someone being interested in that job since his wife associated that job with the death of their child. This is what sparked the interest of Mr.Kapasi in Mrs.Das, other than the fact she was a good-looking woman. It’s obvious that Mr.Kapasi likes Mrs.Das and wants more with her. But there’s the fact that him and her are both married. What is he to do? Keep his feelings to himself and let both them be miserable or release them and possibly make life better for everyone. 

Now let’s discuss the scene with Mrs.Das and Mr.Kapasi in the car. In this scene Mrs.Das explains why there is such a tension between her and her husband. It in fact comes out that Mrs.Das had an affair with one of Mr.Dasā€™s friends and the younger son Bobby is in fact the friend’s child not Mr.Das. She goes on to tell Mr.Kapasi about her whole life with Mr.Das and how everything over the years led to that moment of the affair. She goes on and on about her life till Mr.Kapasi finally asks her why she was telling him all this and responds with, ā€œI told you because of your talentsā€ (Lahiri 63). She was telling all of this to Mr.Kapasi because she felt he could help her. She completely misunderstood what Mr.Kapasi’s old job was and believed he could help her. 

Since you have an understanding of what happened in the two scenes let’s discuss how both Mr.Kapasi and Mrs.Das both showed examples of utilitarian ethics. Let’s begin with Mr.Kapasiā€™s thoughts. He showed a self-interest in wanting to help himself and Mrs.Das. When he had these thoughts of being pen pals with Mrs.Das it was for his own wellbeing. As said before a utilitarian believes that as long as the ending is good then it was an ethical decision. These thoughts showed where his mind was headed with Mrs.Das. He felt that she had feelings towards him and because of this it led to his intoxicated thoughts: ā€œHer sudden interest in him, an interest she did not express in either her husband or her children, was mildly intoxicating. When Mr.Kapasi thought once again about how she said ā€˜romantic,ā€™ the feeling of intoxication grewā€ (Lahiri 53). These thoughts show how Mr.Kapasi was following more of a utilitarian way of thinking. The next scene in the car also shows how Mrs.Das shows a utilitarian way of thinking. The only reason Mrs.Das was speaking to Mr.Kapasi about the affair (mind you she never told anyone else before, not even close friends) was because she thought it was his job to give her advice and make her feel less guilty. Cause that’s all it was. She felt guilty and needed someone to make her feel better: ā€œIt means that i’m tired of feeling so terrible all the time. Eight years, Mr.Kapasi, I’ve been in pain for eight years. I was hoping you could help me feel better, say the right thing. Suggest some kind of remedyā€ (Lahiri 63). You can see how yes; she wants to do the right thing by letting out the secret but because she is telling this to a stranger instead of her husband it shows the self-interest of the situation. The self-interest being that as long as she feels better than everything will be okay because she can be happy with her family again in the end. Also, would like to mention that during this car scene Mr.Kapasi starts to lose feelings for Mr.Das and doesn’t seem to want to help anymore showing it was also for his self-interest: ā€œThe feeling he had toward her, that had him check his reflection in the rearview mirror as they drove, evaporated a littleā€ (Lahiri 63). It was always his feelings towards Mrs.Das that made him want to help. Once those feelings began to diminish, so did him wanting to play hero.  

Mr.Kapasi and Mrs.Das being utilitarians also played an impact on the story having a modernist ending. Modernism is a new way of writing, normally having a not so normal ending. The ending of this story isn’t normal because Mrs.Das a mother purposely put her own children in danger. No mother would do that and on top of that when she goes to fix her child’s hair, she pulls out a brush. When she pulls out the brush the paper with Mr.Kapasiā€™s address falls out and blows away. Symbolizing how he will no longer be with this family, not even a picture to remember them. There wasn’t a happy ending instead it kinda left us sad and at a cliffhanger. 

In conclusion Mr.Kapasi and Mrs.Das both showed examples of utilitarian ethics in the story. It was always their self-interest that made them make the decisions they did. The scenes given were clear examples of this. It was always their self-interest that led them to choose what they wanted or what was right. 

Work CitedĀ 

Lahiri, Jhumpa. Interpreter of Maladies. HarperCollins Publishers India, 2017.

Coffeehouse #5

My favorite story hands down would have to be ā€œInterpreter of Maladiesā€ by Jhumpa Lahiri. Now the reason that this story was my favorite was because of a few things. One being certain parts just entertained me, like I saw some comedy in this story. Although everyone might not see the comedy, through my eyes there were funny moments. Like the way Mr.Kapasiā€™s feelings changed so quickly from being attracted to Mrs.Das to no longer being attracted to her. This moment made me laugh and enjoy the story more. Another reason this story is my favorite is because the point of view the story is being given to us. We know what everyone’s life is, what’s happening, how certain characters are feeling, we know a lot that wouldn’t be shown if given in another point of view. I enjoyed knowing Mr.Kapasiā€™s views and feelings on the das family and knowing his feelings towards Mrs.Das. 

In this story specifically the main character is Mr.Kapasi but close second would have to be of course Mrs.Dash These are the two most known characters in this story. Every other character gets a short bio while these two you learn more about . 2 scenes that I would say are important are the scene where Mr.Kapasi day dreams of a secret life with Mrs.Das, being pen pals and her talking about her horrible marriage. The other scene is the iconic talk between Mrs.Das and Mr.Kapasi. This is the most impactful scene in the whole story because you hear the truth about the Das family and how Mrs.Das feels and then you get the change of emotions that Mr.Kapasi now feels towards Mrs.Das.

The type of ethics I believe Mr.Kapasi to follow is Utilitarian ethics. I believe this because he has his own self motive but wants to do good. Meaning he sees that the das marriage isn’t going well so he wants to help, but he believes that him talking to Mrs.Das would help. Thus lowering the amount of pain and raising happiness but only with the addition of his self intention. 

Midterm Paper

Aiden Rivera  

Midterm Essay, ENG 2001 O525  

Oct 26, 2020  

In the End All is Normal 

After reading and carefully analyzing the two stories, ā€œA Very Old Man with Enormous Wingsā€ by Gabriel Marquez and ā€œAn Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridgeā€ by Ambrose Bierce, I’ve come to realize that they have more in common than I previously thought. At a first glance you wouldn’t think of many similarities. Mainly because one is occurring during the civil war and seems more realistic while the other is more mythical or fake by adding an old man who is an ā€œAngelā€. But looking deeper you see the main character and gothic element similarities that these two stories share. Bierce and Marquez both write stories where the main characters have the spirit of perverseness (SOP) that ultimately leads to their return to normalcy.   

In the story ā€œA Very Old Man with Enormous Wingsā€, the main character is an old homeless man with broken/unhealthy wings who is taken in by this couple. The couple has the old man live in their shack. They let him live there because they believe he is an angel and he has some correlation to their son, who was sick, get better. The old man proceeds to live with and get fed by this couple. At first it was an act of kindness till the tourist began to come see the old man. After this began to occur the couple began to take profits from the people coming to see the old man. Turning him into a circus act. The wife didn’t want the old man there but once the money came along it became less of a problem. People would even throw things at the old man, treating him as if he was worthless. By the end of the story the old man’s wings became healthy and opened wide, where he then flew away into the sky. The question here is how does the old man relate to the other character and where does he return to normalcy?   

In the story ā€œAn Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridgeā€, the main character Peyton Farquhar is standing on a bridge 20 feet above the water moments away from being hanged. In these few minutes the story takes place we basically go into Peyton’s head and view a back story on how he got into this situation. He was a southerner during the civil war who wasn’t accepted into the confederate army. But he had passion for the cause and would do whatever he could to help. The people about to hang Peyton are from the northern army. Towards the end of the story Peyton is sent off the bridge to hang but the rope snaps and he seems to get away. We end with Peyton seeing his family again and giving his wife a hug. Only to find out it was all in his head. He dreamt that he got away and saw his family again in his final moments. The fact was he didn’t get away but instead those were his final thoughts before his sad death. The question in this story is again how does Peyton relate to the old man and does this count as a return to normalcy?  

The two characters, Peyton and the old man both have the spirit of perverseness that leads to their return to normalcy. Let me explain, a small definition of the spirit of perverseness would be what makes people do things they know will be bad for themselves and others. Peyton follows this definition by being a helping hand in the war even though he wasn’t chosen as a soldier: ā€œNo service was too humble for him to perform in the aid of the South, no adventure too perilous for him to undertake if consistent with the character of a civilian who was at heart a soldier, and who in good faith and without too much qualification assented to at least a part of the frankly villainous dictum that all is fair in love and warā€ (Bierce 4). Peyton was a slave owner during the civil war, and he was constantly trying to help the cause of the south. He knew that the things he did would possibly be bad for him and bad to the northern soldiers. This is an exact definition of the spirit of perverseness. The old man now follows this same logic by going with the couple to their home. The old man knows this will be bad for him because in the story ā€œangelsā€ are fugitives so not anyone can be trusted: ā€œAgainst the judgment of the wise neighbor woman, for whom angels in those times were the fugitive survivors of a spiritual conspiracyā€ (Marquez 1). Also, by going with the family they will be looked at differently for having an angel in their possession. The family had to deal with mobs of people: ā€œThe news of the captive angel spread with such rapidity that after a few hours the courtyard had the bustle of a marketplace and they had to call in troops with fixed bayonets to disperse the mob that was about to knock the house downā€ (Marquez 2). This is clear evidence of the character knowing of the harm he causes himself and others. 

Now how does their spirit of perverseness lead to their return to normalcy? Well in Bierce’s story, Peyton is about to be hanged. He is already in the normal there because it is normal for a southern soldier to be hanged by a northern soldier. They are in war so that’s why this is normal. Where Peyton returns to normalcy is when he has the dream of escaping. The dream is not normal. Although a possibility it’s not normal for him to escape that scenario. It is then where he feels a pain in his neck inside the dream and he’s now taken out and returned to normalcy as he dies: ā€œAs he is about to clasp her he feels a stunning blow upon the back of the neck; a blinding white light blazes all about him with a sound like the shock of a cannonā€”then all is darkness and silenceā€ (Bierce 9). The spirit of perverseness led him to this moment because if not for the decisions he made to help the south he would still be alive. In Marquezā€™s story the old man’s return to normalcy was a little different. He didn’t start out in the normal. The old man is an angel so his normal isn’t on earth. His wings were not capable of flying so he was stuck on the ground. He returned to normalcy when he became healthy and was able to fly away at the end:  

And yet he not only survived his worst winter, but seemed improved with the first sunny days. He remained motionless for several days in the farthest corner of the courtyard, where no one would see him, and at the beginning of December some large, stiff feathers began to grow on his wings, the feathers of a scarecrow, which looked more like another misfortune of decreptitude. But he must have known the reason for those changes, for he was quite careful that no one should notice them, that no one should hear the sea chanteys that he sometimes sang under the stars. One morning Elisenda was cutting some bunches of onions for lunch when a wind that seemed to come from the high seas blew into the kitchen. Then she went to the window and caught the angel in his first attempts at flight. They were so clumsy that his fingernails opened a furrow in the vegetable patch and he was on the point of knocking the shed down with the ungainly flapping that slipped on the light and couldn’t get a grip on the air. But he did manage to gain altitude (Marquez 4). 

The spirit of perverseness led to this return to normalcy because although he put himself in a bad situation by becoming a tourist attraction it ultimately gave him time to heal and fly away. It says in this quote that he knew he was getting better and hid it from everyone. He got healthy enough to fly away without any problems. This is how the spirit of perverseness led to his return to normalcy. 

In conclusion, the old man and Peyton may be two different characters, but when using the gothic elements, the spirit of perverseness and a return to normalcy, they aren’t very much different. They both have the spirit of perverseness to ultimately return to normalcy. Although Peyton’s return wasn’t as good as the old man. You still can’t help but to sympathize with Peyton and see why his SOP led him to his specific return to normalcy.  

Coffee house #4 Midterm Draft

Aiden Rivera 

Midterm Essay, ENG 2001 

Oct 19, 2020 

In the End All is Well 

After reading and carefully analyzing the two stories, ā€œA Very Old Man with Enormous Wingsā€ by Gabriel Marquez and ā€œAn Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridgeā€ by Ambrose Bierce, I’ve come to realize that they have more in common than I previously thought. At a first glance you wouldn’t think of many similarities. Mainly because one is occurring during the civil war and seems more realistic while the other is more mythical or fake by adding an old man who is an ā€œAngelā€. But looking deeper you see the main character and gothic element similarities that these two stories share. Bierce and Marquez both write stories where the main characters are coerced into traumatic situations that ultimately lead to their return to normalcy.  

In the story ā€œA Very Old Man with Enormous Wingsā€, the main character is an old homeless man with wings who is taken in by this couple. The couple has the old man live in their shack. They let him live there because they believe he is an angel and he has some correlation to their son, who was sick, get better. The old man proceeds to live with and get fed by this couple. At first it was an act of kindness till the tourist began to come see the old man. After this began to occur the couple began to take profits from the people coming to see the old man. Turning him into a circus act more or less. The wife didn’t want the old man there but once the money came along it became less of a problem. People would even throw things at the old man, treating him as if he was worthless. By the end of the story the old man’s wings opened wide and he flew away into the sky. The question here is how does the old man relate to the other character and where does he return to normalcy?  

In the story ā€œAn Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridgeā€, the main character Peyton Farquhar is standing on a bridge 20 feet above the water moments away from being hanged. In these few minutes the story takes place we basically go into Peyton’s head and view a back story on how he got into this situation. He was a southerner during the civil war who wasn’t accepted into the confederate army. But he had passion for the cause and would do whatever he could to help. The people about to hang Peyton are from the northern army. Towards the end of the story Peyton is sent off the bridge to hang but the rope snaps and he seems to get away. We end with Peyton seeing his family again and giving his wife a hug. Only to find out it was all in his head. He dreamt that he got away and saw his family again in his final moments. The fact was he didn’t get away but instead those were his final thoughts before his sad death. The question in this story is again how does Peyton relate to the old man and does this count as a return to normalcy? 

The two characters, Peyton and the old man both experience trauma that sooner or later makes them return to normalcy. Let me explain, the old man was going through the trauma of the people who would come pay to see him. He was viewed as just a show and the story doesnā€™t directly say it, but he was betrayed by the couple that took him in. The initial goal was to be good hearted people, but it turned to greed. This very well could have hurt and traumatized the old man more. With Peyton now, his trauma was a little clearer. He was moments away from dying. The trauma was all there. He too was betrayed, because he dedicated himself to the cause of the south and they never even took him in as a soldier. He did what he could on the side because of how much the cause meant to him. The biggest betrayal was that they never showed up to save him and although once again the story doesnā€™t say it, I’m sure they didnā€™t come after he died either. Meaning his death was in vain. Both these characters share trauma, they share the betrayal of the people around them.  

Coffeehouse #2

Both the stories “The House of Asterion” and “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” had similar Gothic Elements. Lets start with the main protagonist in “The House of Asterion”. The main character Mr.Asterion himself seems to be writing in what seems to be a journal maybe about his home. According to him his house is huge, to the point where he tries to say its endless or infinite. He as a character follows the Gothic character element by being a mysterious person. He says throughout the story weird things like he never goes outside or the fact that he hurts himself for his own amusement. These sort of things are not normal in any society making him a mysterious person. This story was also very short so in my opinion I believe that there was one big plot point that follows the Gothic element (the miraculous survival). This is the fact that he always says hes alone except where he briefly mentioned people come every nine years. But other than that he is always alone. How can a person who is always alone and doesnt go outside survive. He never mentions food or going outside to even get food. So how does he eat, how does he manage to stay alive. are we to assume the food is somewhere around or is he immune to starvation. It doesnt add up, thus making it a miraculous survival. The setting now, it doesnt say that the setting is in a castle, but by the way the main character explains it the house is to big to be any other estate. It has resemblance in size and it was stated theres a courtyard. those are normally in castles.

Now for our next story I believe the main character is the old man. Yes the make it seem as though Pelayo was the main character but the old man is the center piece of the story. The old man is similar to our last protagonist because he is also a mysterious person. No one knows where he comes from, he speaks a different language no one understands, and he has giant wings. How much more mysterious can you get. With the plot points it seems the old man goes through a near death experience. Before taken in by Pelayo he was looking sick and on the verge of death. Pelayo and his wife even said it in the story that they thought he would die soon. When they took him in it was out of kindness and the fact they believed he was an angel sent down for there son (there son healed from an illness),but it soon turned into a money scheme. The used him as a tourist attraction and made a lot of money off of him. At the end of the story the old man miraculously got healthy and flew away making the next plot point, his escape. Finally the setting of the story was an old house but you can argue a church might have been involved because the priest and was always around the old man. You can even say the chicken coupe was the settings since thats where the old man stayed. Its sad and gloomy to think of an old man in a chicken coupe.

Virtual Coffeehouse 1

This summer vacation is by far the most unusual summer vacation I have experienced. With the virus going around most fun things were closed. I wasn’t able to do all that I wanted this summer but one fun thing I did that surprised me was going to Jones Beach with my friends for the first time. This experience surprised me because in all my life I never got to feel big waves. At Jones Beach on this specific day the ways were huge. The reason why is because the next day there was supposed to be a big storm. Science can do a better explanation on why this is the case than me. But, imagine never feeling big waves and on your very first day you get waves bigger than you. Mind you im 6’2. The experience was fun and shocking and I will not be forgetting it anytime soon.

Out of all the stories we read so far my favorite would have to be “The Lottery”. the reason I chose this story was because it interested me the most. The reason why it interested me was because it gave me a Hunger Games kind of vibe. For the fact that its a tradition that affected the people by costing a life and having the winner be the villagers who weren’t chosen by this random process. In the Hunger Games you were chosen by random to fight for your section. Ultimately putting your life at risk. If you died you lost but nothing bad happens to the villagers in your section, they still live. but if you won your village would be given riches, valuables, and necessities. Showing it was a win win if you weren’t chosen. In the Lottery its the same those who weren’t chosen got to live and have the weird pleasure of throwing rocks at the victim. This is why I liked The Lottery, because I had a fun story/movie to compare it too.