This summer vacation is by far the most unusual summer vacation I have experienced. With the virus going around most fun things were closed. I wasn’t able to do all that I wanted this summer but one fun thing I did that surprised me was going to Jones Beach with my friends for the first time. This experience surprised me because in all my life I never got to feel big waves. At Jones Beach on this specific day the ways were huge. The reason why is because the next day there was supposed to be a big storm. Science can do a better explanation on why this is the case than me. But, imagine never feeling big waves and on your very first day you get waves bigger than you. Mind you im 6’2. The experience was fun and shocking and I will not be forgetting it anytime soon.

Out of all the stories we read so far my favorite would have to be “The Lottery”. the reason I chose this story was because it interested me the most. The reason why it interested me was because it gave me a Hunger Games kind of vibe. For the fact that its a tradition that affected the people by costing a life and having the winner be the villagers who weren’t chosen by this random process. In the Hunger Games you were chosen by random to fight for your section. Ultimately putting your life at risk. If you died you lost but nothing bad happens to the villagers in your section, they still live. but if you won your village would be given riches, valuables, and necessities. Showing it was a win win if you weren’t chosen. In the Lottery its the same those who weren’t chosen got to live and have the weird pleasure of throwing rocks at the victim. This is why I liked The Lottery, because I had a fun story/movie to compare it too.