My favorite story hands down would have to be ā€œInterpreter of Maladiesā€ by Jhumpa Lahiri. Now the reason that this story was my favorite was because of a few things. One being certain parts just entertained me, like I saw some comedy in this story. Although everyone might not see the comedy, through my eyes there were funny moments. Like the way Mr.Kapasiā€™s feelings changed so quickly from being attracted to Mrs.Das to no longer being attracted to her. This moment made me laugh and enjoy the story more. Another reason this story is my favorite is because the point of view the story is being given to us. We know what everyone’s life is, what’s happening, how certain characters are feeling, we know a lot that wouldn’t be shown if given in another point of view. I enjoyed knowing Mr.Kapasiā€™s views and feelings on the das family and knowing his feelings towards Mrs.Das. 

In this story specifically the main character is Mr.Kapasi but close second would have to be of course Mrs.Dash These are the two most known characters in this story. Every other character gets a short bio while these two you learn more about . 2 scenes that I would say are important are the scene where Mr.Kapasi day dreams of a secret life with Mrs.Das, being pen pals and her talking about her horrible marriage. The other scene is the iconic talk between Mrs.Das and Mr.Kapasi. This is the most impactful scene in the whole story because you hear the truth about the Das family and how Mrs.Das feels and then you get the change of emotions that Mr.Kapasi now feels towards Mrs.Das.

The type of ethics I believe Mr.Kapasi to follow is Utilitarian ethics. I believe this because he has his own self motive but wants to do good. Meaning he sees that the das marriage isn’t going well so he wants to help, but he believes that him talking to Mrs.Das would help. Thus lowering the amount of pain and raising happiness but only with the addition of his self intention.