Hi Class,

For Monday,


1–Please study this student example of a first draft before you write the essay–it contains my margin notes on the intro, thesis, and methodology. Please be aware that you can organize your first page in a different way. For example, you can begin with the story summaries and then present your gothic concepts right before you reveal your thesis.


2–Reread your selected stories carefully and take good notes! As you write up the first draft of the Midterm Essay, make sure to think about how your characters are similar and different. Make sure to explore them by using some of our gothic terms.

3–Your draft (which I’ve called “the first page”) should be as long as you can make it, but at least 250 words. Make sure to include a strong thesis in the form of a question. Also include a methodology which is a chronological plan for how to aim to prove your thesis.

4–Post your draft to the Coffeehouse 4 category.


Email and questions,


Prof.  Scanlan