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Class Info for Tuesday, Nov 8

NOTE: Make sure to bring in your first draft and the peer review, please.

NOTE: Please bring Lauren Wilkinson’s American Spy to class on Thursday!!!


–Freewrite: what do you hope to gain from this class.

–Peer Review for our Explication Essay:


1–What poem did you select?

2–Who is the author?

3–Is this information in the first or second sentence of your explication?

4–What is your thesis? Did you use the blueprint?

5–What is your method? Did you use the blueprint?

6–What did you learn about explication while working on this poem?



HOMEWORK FOR THURSDAY, NOV 10: Bring the final draft of the explication essay to class. Please reread the instructions (600 words minimum) and proofread with care. Extra points will be awarded for having this essay ready to submit at 2:30.

Class Info for Thursday, Nov 3


–Freewrite: your earliest memory.

–Discuss Explication Essay, especially the first paragraph

**Key info: author, title, quote of two lines, thesis, key terms, method

**Key Terms: Denotation, Connotation, Personification, Alliteration, Assonance, Consonance, Metaphor, Simile, Tenor, Vehicle, Explication.






The Ferry Is Love


This explication will explore Edna St. Vincent Millay’s “Recuerdo.” More specifically, the essay will take a close look at the first two lines of the first stanza: “We were very tired, we were very merry/We had gone back and forth all night on the ferry.”  While there are many poetry terms that I could explore, the four that make the most sense for this poem are denotation, connotation, assonance, and consonance. In order to prove this, I will first examine the denotation and connotation of the words “very,” “tired,” “merry,” and “ferry,” then I will explore the vowel sounds of four words: we, very, merry, ferry, and lastly, I will examine the interior consonant “r” sounds of very, merry, and ferry.

The meaning of words is very important to any poem and so the…



–Poetry Terms

–In-Class work

HOMEWORK DUE TUESDAY, NOV 8: bring a printed draft of the explication in for peer review. Minimum 300 words. Make sure that the introduction, thesis, and method are in place.

Class Info for Thursday, Oct 27


–Read the three poems available for Essay 2: Guevara, Millay, Morley

–Freewrite on your favorite

–Read for 5 minutes

–Select the lines you wish to explicate (2-4)

–Copy them into your notebook

–Begin Denotation and Connotation

HOMEWORK for Tuesday, Nov 1: Memorize your 2-4 lines and be able to recite them in class and explain why you selected these lines–this will be worth 10 participation points.

Class Info for Thursday, Oct 20

Hi Class,

Today we will:

–Take Quiz 2 over poetry and our poetry terms

–Explore new poems as we dive into the instructions for Essay 2: Poetry Explication

–Review the instructions

HOMEWORK for Tuesday, Oct 25: Read the poems in “The Place Where We Dwell” and come to class prepared to speak on which poem is your favorite and why. There are nine poems to read.

Class Info for Thursday, Oct 13

Hi Class,

Today we will continue to explore poetry and special vocabulary to help us read more deeply.

–7 Poetry Terms: Explication, Denotation, Connotation, Personification, Alliteration, Assonance, Consonance—The definitions are in Notepad.

–Three October Poems

–HOMEWORK: Read Whitman (only “Manahatta”), Roethke and Spahr (both poems are on the same handout). In your notebook explore one example of each of these terms: assonance and alliteration and consonance.

Class Information for Tuesday, Oct 11

Hi Class,

I wanted to remind everybody about the vital importance of turning in the Final Draft of Essay 1 (My Intellectual Home) ON TIME!!!!!!

Here’s what to bring to class:

1–Final Draft

2–Peer Review

3–First and/or second draft

ALSO: make sure to proofread: Read over carefully; have a friend read it over; read out loud; read “backwards”

NOTE: I do not grade any work with a lower case “i”!

NOTE:  I give participation points for having your essay ready to turn in at the beginning of class.



Agenda for Tuesday, Oct 11


1–Freewrite: what went well/not so well in terms of Essay 1? Then turn in Essay 1.


2–Read “We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn Brooks. Then define poetry


3–How to Read Poetry Tool (in Readings menu tab)



1–read “Three October Poems” (see handout in Readings)

2–then write Coffeehouse #2: 300 words in which you select one of the three poems and use the poetry analysis tool (see numbers 1-8) from our handout (this handout is titled “How to Read Poetry” in the Readings menu tab. Use complete sentences. Make sure to select the Category “Coffeehouse #2” before posting.



Class information for Thursday, Oct 6

Remember: 900 words for the final draft.


Hi Class,

Here’s our agenda:


2–Weaving/introducing quotations

3–Why mention the two articles? State why you selected each one.

4–Is IH mentioned in your thesis? Why not?

5–Proofreading (capitalizing, commas, spelling)

6–Peer Review (if you don’t have a printed copy, please print one now)

**Remember: no naked quotes:

Naked quotes are bad!!!!!

“As an adult, I feel like their acquaintance instead of their daughter.”


I wish I was closer to my parents, and so Jenny Liao’s idea that “As an adult, I feel like their [my parents] acquaintance instead of their daughter,” helps me to think about the importance of language (1).



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