Author: Angelo A

In Laura Wilkinson’s novel American Spy, the characters of Marie and Slater exhibit a complex and multifaceted approach to ethics. Throughout the novel, the two characters are forced to confront difficult moral dilemmas and must navigate a complex web of competing moral principles.

One of the most prominent ethical frameworks that is evident in Marie and Slater’s decision-making is deontology, the belief that certain actions are inherently right or wrong, regardless of their consequences. For example, when Marie is faced with the decision of whether to betray her country by passing classified information to the Haitian government, she struggles with the knowledge that her actions will have far-reaching consequences, but ultimately decides to act on principle. As she reflects, “I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do what I knew was right” (Wilkinson, p. 189).

In contrast to Marie’s adherence to deontological principles, Slater’s approach to ethics is more utilitarian, focusing on the maximization of overall happiness and well-being. This is evident in his willingness to manipulate and deceive others in order to achieve his goals. For example, when he is tasked with recruiting Marie as a spy, he uses emotional manipulation and lies in order to gain her trust and convince her to join the mission. While his actions may be seen as unethical by some, Slater justifies them by arguing that they are necessary for the greater good.

Another key ethical framework that is evident in American Spy is virtue ethics, which emphasizes the importance of developing and maintaining character traits that are considered morally good. Both Marie and Slater exhibit a strong commitment to certain virtues, such as loyalty and courage. For Marie, this is evident in her willingness to risk her life and career in order to protect the people of Haiti from oppressive regimes. For Slater, it is evident in his determination to see the mission through to completion, even in the face of great personal danger.

Feminist ethics also play a role in the novel, as Marie grapples with the ways in which her gender impacts her ability to navigate the male-dominated world of espionage. Throughout the novel, Marie is forced to confront the ways in which her gender makes her vulnerable to exploitation and discrimination, and she must find ways to assert her agency and autonomy in a field that is traditionally dominated by men.

Finally, global ethics are also at play in American Spy, as the novel explores the complex and interconnected nature of international politics. As Marie and Slater carry out their mission, they must consider the impacts of their actions not only on their own country, but also on the global community. In the end, their decisions have far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the boundaries of their own nation.

Overall, American Spy presents a nuanced and complex portrayal of ethics, showing how individuals must navigate a web of competing moral principles in order to make difficult decisions. Through the experiences of Marie and Slater, the novel illustrates the ways in which ethical frameworks such as deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, feminist ethics, and global ethics can all play a role in shaping an individual’s moral compass.

The Cold War began from the year 1947 and lasted until 1991. It was a war fought indirectly between both America and the Soviet Union meaning the two power houses fought each other through other countries. The Cold War is known as a general term to refer to the geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. The justification behind the war was the fear of the growing communism within Europe, America feared the domino affect would occur should countries like Korea and Vietnam. Thus America lent their aid to the foreign countries fighting off their wars to avoid and counteract communism from taking over the world. Although there was never an actual war between the United States and the Soviet Union there was huge tension between the two with major events occurring known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Cuban Missile Crisis regarded to when America had missiles placed within Turkey while Russia had missiles placed in Cuba as a countermeasure and the two countries were mere seconds away from declaring all out nuclear war on each other until they both managed to come to an agreement to lay down arms and remove their missiles from the countries.

The Year of the Spy occurred during the Cold War within the year 1985. Given such high tensions had rose within the world Russia and America both needed to stay ahead of one another by grabbing information off each other. The year held a string of high-profile espionage arrests by the FBI. Major names within those arrest include John Anthony Walker, Jonathan Jay Pollard, Sharon Marie Scranage and Larry Wu-tai Chin all of whom worked for separate countries. The Year of the Spy increased tensions in the West by having people constantly paranoid of each other and their allies not knowing who to trust everyone was in constant suspect of each other.

The poem “Halloween Party” by Keen Nesbitt makes me feel amused as the story I ended up finding funny. The speaker is a student within school and from who Nesbitt is dressing up as I can assume that the speaker is a male. The setting/context would regard Halloween as they’re about to have a Halloween party that Nesbitt is getting ready for. In this poem there is a narrative of the narrators story of what happened during October as he got ready for his Halloween party. As the narrator narrates the story he does in fact rhyme while also presenting an entertaining story. There isn’t much a theme presented in the poem as he’s really just rhyming his words while giving descriptive words of his costume. The structure of the poem would have to be in stanzas as the poem is basically just groups of lines built together.

Angelo Arana


ENG 1121

 My Forgotten Screen

         While I believe each article I read was relatable in it’s own way to the average teenager, the two stories that to me resonated most to me would have to be Jenny Liao’s “Forgetting My First Language” and Esmeralda Santiago’s “When I was Puerto Rican”. Firstly, I’ll begin by explaining to me where I feel most at peace, my intellectual home. Next, I will explain how Jenny Liao and Santiago have similar, yet different life stories compared to mine. Lastly, how I myself can make my own intellectual home better in every direction.

         To begin with, I never truly had a home, to me home was my mother. Growing up I constantly moved around places since I was a military brat. I began being born in Okinawa Japan, then I moved to Texas at an early age and shortly after I was in Florida. Suddenly the next thing I knew I found myself living in New York City, the largest change I could ever be given, so moving constantly I never truly felt at home anywhere I went since it always felt like I’d end up moving soon. The only thing that would always be with me everywhere was my “Oka-san” (mother), my safe place and my happy place.

         When it relates to my intellectual home that would have to be my laptop. It’s a method really, firstly the time of day must be late night where the sun is asleep, and the moon is awake. Next, I need to have my laptop with me with an assignment due soon and I will get to work like the Flash. For some reason, once there is added on pressure, I feel like my work engines start running it’s fastest. Usually, most people can’t work well under pressure although, I on the other hand enjoy it as I am more motivated to finish. I need an extra push to be able to finish my studies and no one truly motivates me as much as time does. Although it may be dark outside while everyone is sleeping at peace, my world is still loud and stressed to finish every assignment I have due within the day. However, don’t get it twisted, although I may be feeling rushed, the peace of the day time gives me balance and my laptop feeling so smooth in my hands allows the perfect quality while also fast.

It was a difficult process to begin with learning how to speak English. I already had two languages in my head thinking at the same time so it caused many internal problems for me. Much like Esmeralda Santiago thick accent (1) “Seven Gray” I too spoke in broken English. My family members hadn’t spoke English yet so I had no one to practice with except my teachers and classmates. Thus I was given praise whenever I spoke English in front of my family like Santiago (2) “You can speak English!”. Much like Santiago I felt embarrassed often not knowing how to speak English fluently, “I was afraid that I was about to make a fool of myself” (2) especially when I knew people who would have difficulty understanding me. So I would continue to spend the rest of my years practicing English as best I could. As I spent all of Elementary and middle school gradually getting better at my English I began to notice major changes…

         I have a great deal of love for my Oka-san, although nowadays it is difficult to communicate with our native language since moving to America I started to forget my second language. Jenny Liao mentions (4) “First-language attritions” which is something I can greatly relate to. I first learned Spanish and then quickly after Japanese as I came from Spanish-Asian parents. Just as Liao, my family didn’t speak English, thus I always found myself speaking a different language around my family besides English. So as Jenny Liao mentioned growing up going through ESL, I too went through ESL until I learned English and was often translating for my family whenever it came to anything. Thus after learning English I began to forget my Japanese and I noticed this especially when I went back to Japan. Once I returned, people around me were trying to speak to me in Japanese, which is where I learned that I had completely forgotten my language, struggling just to reply to people. Filled with such embarrassment I had to try my best to remember language however I found it difficult as I had little practice given that I lived in America. Through this pressure I began practicing my Japanese much like how I learned English for the first time.

         Honestly when it comes to intellectual homes I could definitely work on my method. Preferably be able to get through having to just finish the work through the nighttime and be able to start in the morning daylight. To begin I have to learn how to work as good as I do under pressure then without pressure since there’s a difference as clear as day and night.

Angelo Arana


ENG 1121


            While I believe each article I read was relatable in it’s own way to the average teenager. The story that to me resonated most would have to be Jenny Liao’s “Forgetting My First language” and Esmeralda Santiago “When I was Puerto Rican”. Firstly, I’ll begin by explaining to me where I feel most at peace, my intellectual home. Next, I will explain how Jenny Liao and Santiago have a similar, yet different life stories compared to mine. Lastly

            To begin with, I never truly had a home. Home is what some may call a material, a place better said however to me, home is with my mother. Growing up I constantly moved around places since I was a military brat. I began being born in Okinawa Japan, then I moved to Texas at an early age and shortly after I was in Florida. Suddenly next thing I knew I found myself living in New York City the largest change I could ever be given, so moving constantly I never truly felt at home anywhere I went since it always felt like I’d end up moving soon. The only thing that would always be with me everywhere was my “Oka-san” (mother), my safe place and my happy place.

            When it relates to my intellectual home however that would have to be my laptop. It’s a method really, firstly the time of day must be late night where the sun is asleep, and the moon is awake. Next, I need to have my laptop with me with an assignment due soon and I will get to work like the Flash. For some reason, once there is added on pressure, I feel like my work engines start running it’s fastest. Usually, most people can’t work well under pressure however I on the other hand enjoy it as I am more motivated to finish. I need an extra push to be able to finish my studies and no one truly motivates me as much as time does. Although it may be dark outside while everyone is sleeping at peace, my world is still loud and stressed to finish every assignment I have due within the day. However don’t get it twisted, although I may be feeling rushed, the peace of the day time gives me balance and my laptop feeling so smooth in my hands allows the perfect quality while also fast.

            I have a great deal of love for my Oka-san, although nowadays it is difficult to communicate with our native language since moving to America I started to forget my second language. Jenny Liao mentions (61) “First-language attritions” which is something I can greatly relate to. I first learned Spanish and then quickly after Japanese as I came from Spanish-Asian parents. Just as Jenny Liao (61), my family didn’t speak English thus I always found myself speaking a different language around my family besides English. So as Jenny Liao mentioned growing up going through ESL, I too went through ESL until I learned English and was often translating for my family whenever it came to anything. Thus after learning English I began to forget my Japanese and I noticed this especially when I went back to Japan. Once I returned people around me alike were trying to speak to me in Japanese which is where I learned that I had completely forgetting my language struggling just to reply to people. Filled with such embarrassment I had to try my best to remember language however I found it difficult as I had little practice given that I lived in America.

            Honestly when it comes to intellectual homes I could definitely work on my method. Preferably be able to get through having to just finish the work through the nighttime and be able to start at the morning day light. To begin I have to learn how to work as good as I do under pressure then without pressure since there’s a difference as clear as day and night.

Angelo Arana Summary

My current intellectual home is my laptop. It wouldn’t necessarily be considered a home or person but instead a method for me. Whenever I have my laptop at my disposal, I’m able to completely breeze through any and all work I am given. I find noise or silence really affect my work ethic to any extent, whether it is extremely loud or quiet neither bother me. I feel as if with my laptop at my hand there are no other distractions really since my laptop has no games downloaded and is purely for getting work done. I have already embedded in my head that if I need to get an assignment done, I should always do it through my laptop. On other devices such as my computer and phone I have so many things that can distract me for example, Netflix Crunchyroll and video games installed in, so I am constantly tempted. Here on my laptop, I don’t have the passwords saved to any of those streaming services nor do I have any video games installed so regardless of if I wanted to, I couldn’t. The only things on my laptop would be my downloaded documents of previous works, syllabus and outlines for lab reports. Another part of my method is not just my laptop but the time of day. Once the sun is down and most people are fast asleep, I feel a dire need to finish my work faster. Not sure what it is about the time of day, but I feel more at peace while it is darker outside. If there is a deadline I have to beat within an hour all the more better as I am motivated to rush even faster to finish the work. However, don’t get it twisted just because I am rushing to finish my work on time, I am still giving out the outmost quality of work, I don’t believe in half-assing any work. (other topic) My laptop has a membrane keyboard which to most people doesn’t feel as good but to me on the other hand I completely enjoy how smooth it feels to type every single letter to my paragraphs.

Angelo Arana

The piece “Where I learned to read” by Salvatore Scibana is a story narrated in 1st person. He essentially speaks about his struggle through high school as he never found classes interesting and often struggled to even pass classes. He actually goes throughout all of high school with no goals in life working at his fast food restaurant with actually believing that the Colonel would hire him anywhere in the world. It isn’t until he is introduced to college in where he can finally begin reading pieces he finds interesting, then his life begins to change for the better. Thus the story mainly takes place in St John’s (his college) where he finally learns how to read and enjoy his readings. Personally I did not enjoy this piece as I found his reasoning for disliking and struggling in school almost idiotic. He is quick to blame school for always giving uninteresting books and only college has these “books” he can find enjoyment in, the way I see it he could’ve just picked up a book on his own time, learn to read there and discover his preferred genre.