Muhammad Raihan


I am incredibly lazy. I have an extra pencil and pen on my side table just so I don’t have to get off my memory foam bed to find another one, if my pencil ever runs out of lead or something. I love to sleep or rather, I hate to lose it over something as frivolous as homework. Same thing with when I play video games or watch Netflix, I can’t enjoy what i’m into if I have this looming thought that my assignments are due next week. I have either two options, procrastinate and regret it or get the work done now and rule over the rest of my week. I choose the latter. I still feel apathetic over studying but that’s good. Because for me, the more I find the work annoying the more efficiently I’ll get it done so I won’t have to deal with it later. With that in mind I keep everything related to school in my line of sight, I hang my book bag on the wall in front of me and keep a fat binder full of loose-leaf paper on my side table. This table, placed next to my bed is big enough to always be in my peripheral vision. I always have my phone and laptop with me, and since most of my work is online, I am only a few clicks away from initiating any type of studying. Giving myself the easy access is my way of forcing myself to complete my responsibilities.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan


    Good descriptive writing–as we’ve discussed. Make sure to include ideas from the readings in the next draft.

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