
–Freewrite: What went well and not so well in terms of the Explication Essay

–Turn in Explication Essay

–Begin American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson (2019)

–Mini lecture on novel and how to read




Read this book review, as it is helpful in setting out some of the ideas we will explore such as passing and Cold War.

From The Washington Post-Am spy review

READ UP TO PAGE 48…and be able to describe each character.

Read a little each day and take notes. After you finish a chapter, write down five things that happened. Use the 5-part reading tool.

Reading Schedule:

N-15–read to page 48–up to ch 6

N-17–to page78–ch 8

N-22 –to page134—ch 12

N-29–to page207—ch 19

D-1–to page242—ch 23

D-6–to page 289 (finish)