NOTE: Make sure to bring in your first draft and the peer review, please.

NOTE: Please bring Lauren Wilkinson’s American Spy to class on Thursday!!!


–Freewrite: what do you hope to gain from this class.

–Peer Review for our Explication Essay:


1–What poem did you select?

2–Who is the author?

3–Is this information in the first or second sentence of your explication?

4–What is your thesis? Did you use the blueprint?

5–What is your method? Did you use the blueprint?

6–What did you learn about explication while working on this poem?



HOMEWORK FOR THURSDAY, NOV 10: Bring the final draft of the explication essay to class. Please reread the instructions (600 words minimum) and proofread with care. Extra points will be awarded for having this essay ready to submit at 2:30.