My home is my happiness-Ali

Comfort brings out the best of me and helps me produce my best work. My home is my ideal intellectual home, its where i find the most comfort, peace and pushes my motivation to heights i cant reach elsewhere. My home is my haven its a place where i spend most of my time and i have developed a place in my heart for my home. Similar to Scibona i lacked courage and the will to motivate myself to gain knowledge and pursue a path in school, i chose a path of simplicity where i worked a mediocre job in a place where my heart was not content with. I went from being motivated high school student who wanted to achieve his dreams to losing that pasion in a matter of months. My progression and the long hours i spent at home reconsidering my life made me realize that its never too late to set out and chase your dreams. Growing up in Nyc either makes you or it breaks you but taking the time out of your life to mentally uplift yourself is one of the things that helped me progress. Theres only so much a person can endure but finding that place of comfort will keep you going.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan


    Thanks for this draft. Make sure to proofread your work as the lower case “i” will not be graded in the future. Also, avoid over-using “you” in a personal essay. Continue to work on Scibona by using quotes.

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