Muhammad Raihan

Coffeehouse # 1

This short essay was similar to the first reading but instead of the main character loving books from a young age, this one portrayed the rebellious behavior of a teenager trying to refuse anything that is assigned to him and only doing as he pleases. The story mentions how he was a lost cause to himself and the fact that he would simply swing his eyes across the pages, not understanding what he’s really reading but wasting time in a sense. However, I believe he was doing this because he was searching for something in his teenage life so he could establish a future for himself. He wanted to discover a purpose of his own, he sounds like a person who just likes to “wing it” so to speak, but only when he was the one who made that decision for himself if people told him to do something he would deny it. What he needed was to leave his old environment, get to college and start being an independent adult. One who has to work in order for his body to survive and for his mind to survive he had to marry reading. This really resonated with me because I am also someone who needs a change in environment and some pressure even, all in order for me to actually enjoy what I am doing because it was a choice that I made on my own.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Great post Muhammad. Work on including concrete details such as story title, character names, and college names.

    -Prof. Scanlan

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