Welcome to Composition 2:

ENG1121 Section D560 


Please familiarize yourself with our OpenLab website. We will refer to it during each class as our academic home. Homework assignments, readings, reflections, and helpful links will all be posted here. In general, I will post the lesson and homework right before class. I will put the homework in a gray box and it will usually be at the bottom of the post.

Right now, the site is in its infancy, but it will grow throughout the first few weeks of class. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the menu headings.


Agenda for Thursday, August 25:

1–Introduction and how are we doing these days?


3–OpenLab tour

Here are links for signing up and joining my class:





4–Course Policy

5–About this course

6–Education and Home: These two concepts will form the main topic of our first major essay. Discuss the meaning and value of these concepts.


Homework due Tuesday, August 30 — before class

1–Sign up for OpenLab if you have not already done so. Register for my class.

2–Read “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie in the Readings menu tab…scroll to the bottom. And in your notes (either a physical notebook or on your digital device) write down: main characters, setting, narration style (first, second, or third person), basic plot (what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of the story), the main messages, and…did you like this essay?–Why or why not? Students will not turn in this homework; it is meant for discussion.

3–Fill out the Questionnaire below and remember to submit:


A Brief Questionnaire for ENG 1121

This is my first form. I hope it is easy to use.